SAP IQ server crash after it ran out of IQ large memory. No stacktrace is generated with this crash. *.iqmsg shows the following :
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *************************************************
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *** SAP IQ Abort:
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *** From: oslib/hos_mem.cxx:2716
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *** Rethrown from: oslib/hos_throw.cxx:313
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *** PID: 9116
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *** Exception Location: 0x0x7fb4daaec490
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *** Error ID: 517, Exception Type: hos_memexception
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *** Thread: 140414739748608 (TID: 33, Original TID: 33)
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *** Error #: 0, O/S Error #: 0
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 *** Argument:
-- (oslib/hos_mem.cxx 2716)
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 **************************************************
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 ** Error from IQ connection: SA connHandle: 12958 SA connID: 10 IQ connID: 0000067159 User: owner
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 ** Time of error: 2017-07-07 13:21:06
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 ** IQ Version: SAP IQ/16.0.110/10487/P/sp11.09
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 ** OS info: IQ built on: Enterprise Linux64 - x86_64 - 2.6.18-194.el5, Executed on: Linux/PRDxxxxx/2.6.32-504.30.3.el6.x86_64/#1 SMP Thu Jul 9 15:20:47 EDT 2015/x86_64
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 ** Command status when error occured: CURSOR ACTIVE
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 ** Command text:
load into table "owner"."table"( "monthno","recorddt","recordtm","ServerName","DBSpaceName","Usage" ) using file '/load_temp1.out' format bcp quotes off escapes off delimited by ',' row delimited by '\x0A'
I. 07/07 13:21:06. 0000067159 Dump all thread stacks at oslib/hos_mem.cxx:2716 for PID: 9116
I. 07/07 13:21:07. 0000067159 dlopen failed: failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory
I. 07/07 13:21:07. 0000067159 Unable to load symbol tables.
I. 07/07 13:21:07. 0000067141 Exception Thrown from dflib/dfo_ColumnVector.cxx:242, Err# 1058, tid 60 origtid 60
I. 07/07 13:21:07. 0000067141 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 9216 (df_Exception); SQLCode: -1001047, SQLState: 'QFA43', Severity: 14
I. 07/07 13:21:07. 0000067141 [20556]: Ran out of IQ large memory (-iqlm) .
-- (dflib/dfo_ColumnVector.cxx 242)
I. 07/07 13:21:07. 0000067141 Exception Thrown from dflib/dfo_ColumnVector.cxx:242, Err# 1058, tid 60 origtid 60
I. 07/07 13:21:07. 0000067141 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 9216 (df_Exception); SQLCode: -1001047, SQLState: 'QFA43', Severity: 14
I. 07/07 13:21:07. 0000067141 [20556]: Ran out of IQ large memory (-iqlm) .
-- (dflib/dfo_ColumnVector.cxx 242)
I. 07/07 13:21:07. 0000067141 ** While handling one abort, SAP IQ Abort Thrown from oslib/hos_mem.cxx:2716 on thread 140417601775360 (TID 60)
- SAP IQ 16.0
- SAP IQ 16.1
CR809443, CR#809443, 809443, stacktrace, stktrc , stack trace , hos_memexception, "Cannot allocate memory", , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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