SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2502078 - Report in Excel is not providing correct data


When you navigate to excel from the report using Microsoft Excel option it show incorrect data. 

Reproducing the Issue

1. Goto Business Analytics Work Center.

2. Open any report (Eg: Opportunity Analysis).

3. Click on Go.

4. Click Settings>select "Microsoft Excel" option.

5. It navigates to Excel Add-in.

6. Login to Excel add-in.

The report will be opened. However, when you compare the data in the Excel with web browser report there will be a data mismatch.


When you navigate to Excel from report it will open the report in 'Design Workbook' mode. In the "Design" mode, refreshing the reports in the workbook only yields dummy data. 

When opened from the Business Analytics work center, it opens report always by default in the "Design mode.' 


  • If you would like to see real data, go to the tab SAP "Cloud for Customer/Business ByDesign" in Excel and click on the "Design Workbook" button to switch the workbook type to "Personal Workbook".
  • Refresh the report and the data is shown as expected.
  • The other option is open Excel first, login to addin and add the report via the button "Insert Report".
  • For Cloud for Customer systems instead you can also open the report from the Analysis work center and navigate to excel, it will not open in Design mode.


KBA , AP-RC-ANA-UI-XLS , C4C, ByD, Travel: Excel AddIn , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1708 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1711