- When running SELECT INTO a new table
- A concurrent SELECT at isolation level 0 on that new table reports Error 605:
Msg 605, Level 21, State 1:
Server 'ASE', Line 1:
An attempt was made to fetch logical page '61649' from cache 'default data cache'. Page belongs to database 'repro_605' (4), object '<Unknown>' (0), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition '<Unknown>' (1776006327) and not to database 'repro_605' (4), object 'l_tab_2' (1920006840), index 'l_tab_2' (0), partition 'l_tab_2_1936006897' (1936006897).
- Also Error 692, rather than Error 605, may be reported:
Msg 692, Level 20, State 1:
Server 'SP02_PL05', Line 1:
Uninitialized logical page '67796' was read while accessing database 'repro_605' (4), object 'l_tab_2' (1104003933), index 'l_tab_2' (0), partition 'l_tab_2_1136004047' (1136004047). Please contact SAP Technical Support.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
CR809498, CR#809498, 809498, spurious, ignore , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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