- System is not shutdown properly.
After startup SAP is not able to connect and the "SQL0290N Table space access is not allowed" is returned -
The Developer trace file (Work directory transaction ST11) contains the following entry
*** ERROR in DB6Connect CON = 0 (BEGIN)
(SQLConnect ): [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL0290N Table space access is not allowed. SQLSTATE=55039 -
R3trans -> trans.log contains the following error
DbSlConnectDB6( SQLConnect ): [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL0290N Table space access is not allowed. SQLSTATE=55039
*** ERROR in DB6Connect[D:/depot/bas/741_REL/src/dbs/db6/dbdb6.c, 1835] (END)
DB2 LUW (Unix, Linux, Windows)
hex value, , KBA , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem
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