Server crashes with empty stack trace files.
$ ls -l stktrc*
-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase sybase 0 Jun 25 21:31
-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase sybase 0 Jun 26 07:09
iqmsg shows that some user was disconnected when stack trace occured. After long timegap there is a cancellation request.
I. 06/26 00:31:25. 0000059566 Disconnect: SA connHandle: 3493 SA connID: 24 IQ connID: 0000059566 User: user1
I. 06/26 00:31:26. 0000059671 Txn 116618206 0 116618206
I. 06/26 03:01:08. 0000000000 Cancellation request received: SA connHandle: 2509 SA connID: 25 IQ connID: 0000057672 User: user2
I. 06/26 10:09:41. 0000000538 Disconnect: SA connHandle: 61 SA connID: 32 IQ connID: 0000000538 User: user1
I. 06/26 10:11:00. 0000000022 Txn 116620883 0 116620883
I. 06/26 21:58:26. 0000000000 Cancellation request received: SA connHandle: 30 SA connID: 31 IQ connID: 0000000169 User: user2
.stderr consist of following message
*** Sybase IQ Abort:
*** From: st_connection.cxx:776
*** PID: 24545
*** Exception Location: 0x0x7ffcd74f5790
*** Error ID: 533, Exception Type: hos_assertexception
*** Thread: 3612313344 (TID: 4, Original TID: 4)
*** Error #: 3, O/S Error #: 0
** While handling one abort, caught signal 11, program abort on thread 3612313344 (TID 4)
SAP IQ 16.0
empty stacktrace , st_connection.cxx:776 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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