SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2503412 - How to set a parameter to not prompt in Crystal Reports?


  • How to not display a prompt?
  • How to prevent some parameter from prompting?
  • User are always prompted by all the parameters, how to hide some of the prompt?
  • When setting the parameter option: "Show on (Viewer) Panel" to: "Do not show", it still prompt for the parameter?
  • When refreshing a report in Crystal Reports, how to not generate a prompt for some parameter?


  • SAP Crystal Reports 2013
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2016
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2020

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In Crystal Reports, create a report off any data source.
  2. Create a parameter.
  3. Set the parameter option: "Show on (Viewer) Panel" to: "Do not show".
  4. Add the parameter to the report Record Selection Formula.
  5. Refresh the report.
    Notice, it still prompts you for the parameter, despite the option for the parameter was set to "Do not show"
    Is there any other option to prevent the parameter from pormpting.


  • There is no option in Crystal Reports designer to prevent a parameter to not prompt when the report is refreshed.
  • The parameter option: "Show on (Viewer) Panel", set to "Do not show", will still prompt for the parameter because this option is to hide the parameter from the left panel. It is designed to always prompt the user when the report is refreshed, but the option is to simply display the parameter in the left panel, or not, once the report is refreshed with data.


  • To not be prompted by a parameter, the suggestions are:
    • Remove the parameter from the report if possible; or
    • As a workaround, use a container report and insert your report as a subreport:
      1. Create a new report that will be use as a container of your report. ( Ensure the main report only return one record )
      2. Insert your report, as a subreport to the Report Footer section of the new report.
      3. Create a formula on the main report in which you add the value to pass to the subreport parameter you do not want to be prompted by.
      4. Link the subreport parameter to the formula created in the previous step.


CR, Param prompt , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To


SAP Crystal Reports 2013 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2016 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2020