- BizX user has a language set eg. EN-UK
- This bizX user access Analytics > Analytics and runs (Previews) a report with a specific date filter (eg. terminations report based on as of date as seen below)
- Report runs successfully
- The bizX user then changes the language set in bizX eg. Simplified Chinese
- This bizX user again accesses Analytics > Analytics and runs (Previews) a report with a specific date filter (eg. terminations report based on as of date as seen below)
- Report errors - [Error Rendering List Report Component]
All datacenters.
- The cause of this is that the locale associated with the bizX language initial selection is cached in an Analytics user session.
- When a user logs into BizX and then into Analytics a session for the bizX user in Analytics starts and is based on the bizX settings of the user including the language that is set.
- When that user changes their language in bizX, and access Analytics again, the locale of the original bizX language is still being used which affects Date/Time format being used.
- Please note that this is considered current expected behaviour
- There is an assumption that users very rately require a change in their bizX language (and ultimately thier locale)
Therefore, engineering's recommendation is if you change the bizx language AFTER being in Analytics > Analytics then you will need to completely logout of bizX before Analytics will pick up the correct locale according to new language selection. The exception would be when you have 2 languages that use the same Date/Time settings, eg. French and EN-UK.
WFA-15554 , Online Report Designer , Advanced Reporting , Preview Report , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-ORD , Online Report Designer , Problem
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1705 ; SAP SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics 1705