DBACOCKPIT (DB13) jobs log shows permission related issue when accessing the Oracle home 12c directory.
For example:
BR0252E Function _stat64() failed for 'D:\oracle\<SID>\12102' at location BrDiskStatGet-1
BR0253E errno 2: No such file or directory
BR0277E Determination of disk volume status for D:\oracle\<SID>\12102 failed
- Database: Oracle 12c
- OS: Windows
DB13, SAPService<SID>, ORA_<ORACLE_SID>_DBA, ORA_<ORACLE_SID>_OPER, ora_dba, BR0253E, errno 2: No such file or directory , KBA , BC-DB-ORA-CCM , (CCMS) Database Monitors , BC-DB-ORA-SYS , Database Interface / DBMS , Problem
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