You are experiencing flaws when connecting to a SQL Server database from PI\PO system. By the traces (XPI or directly on channel) you can see the following exception:
XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX JDBC_ERR_602 Error when attempting to get processing resources: Unable to create new pooled resource: DriverManagerException:
Cannot establish connection with the registered driver. returns: Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target 131 Exception Details:
Location: com/microsoft/sqlserver/jdbc/SQLServerConnection.commit()V @20: getstatic Reason: Expected stackmap frame at this location.
- PI Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Process Integration
Process Integration 7.0, PI 7.0, PI 7.01, PI 7.02, Process Integration 7.10, PI 7.10, Process Integration 7.11, PI 7.11, Process Integration 7.30, PI 7.30, Process Integration 7.31, PI 7.31, Process Orchestration 7.40, PI 7.40, PO 7.40, Process Orchestration 7.50, PI 7.50, PO 7.50, NetWeaver, XI, JDBC, JVM, JDK, stackmap , KBA , BC-XI-CON-JDB , JDBC Adapter , BC-NWA-XPI , Process Integration (PI) Monitoring , Problem
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