Fiori Launchpad doesn't load in Safari and it shows the following error:
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0)
[Error] QuotaExceededError (DOM Exception 22): The quota has been exceeded.
[Error] TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'sap.ushell.Container.getService')
(anonymous function) (Anonymous Script 1 (line 310:566))
With other browsers, it loads.
- SAP Fiori Launchpad
- iOS / MacOS
- Safari browser
safari, load, 404, loading, loaded, loads, hangs, flp, ui5, ui2, localstorage, setitem, launchpad, fiori, mobile, iphone, apple, mac, macos, private , KBA , MOB-FC , SAP Fiori Client Native Mobile Application , CA-FE-FLP-EU , Please use CA-FLP-FE-UI , CA-UI2-INT-FE , Please use CA-FLP-FE-COR , CA-UI2-INT-BE , Please use CA-FLP-ABA , Problem
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