- .iqmsg file shows messages in the Coordinator's file like:
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 Warning: Coordinator version list does not match secondary servers!
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 W: 221110806 221110970 221113043 221115437 221132704 221133241 221150507 221165889 221179090 221179095 221179097
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 12 221293017 221294093 221295445 221298163 221298816 221298970 221299642 221299810 221302059 221302251 221302782
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 21 221304811 221305457 221305458 221305845 221305849 221305889 221305983 221306067 221306377 221306389 221307088
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 41 221309767 221310196 221310213 221311377 221311388 221311502 221311549 221312473 221312737 221312816 221313544
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 Q4: 221179118 221314984
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 Q3: 221179123 221314984
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 Q5: 221307582 221314824 221314825
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 Q6: 221313544 221314825
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 Q7: 221314984
I. 07/10 12:06:19. 0000076741 Q8: 221314689 221314825 221314984
- Multiplex's automatic sync does not clear the version list and these messages keep appearing in .iqmsg at regular intervals.
- SAP IQ 16.1
- SAP IQ 16.0
- multiplex systems only
sybase, crash , stacktrace , cn , coordinator , writer , reader , mpx, multiplex , cr725286 , 725286 , 809787, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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