Below dump occurs while
- trying to extract the audit log from webgui (SAP GUI for HTML),
- running an ECC report from Portal (SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal),
- running a large report from NWBC (Netweaver Business Client) for HTML.
Category ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors MESSAGE_TYPE_X
Application Component BC-FES-ITS
Error analysis |
Short text of the error message: |
The dataset ( 2,3344597800000000E+09 bytes) is too big (abap/alvgrid/siz |
e_nodod_mb) |
Long text of the error message: |
Diagnosis |
The system tried to send a data record to the frontend, which |
contains 2,3344597800000000E+09 bytes. However, the data volume |
has been restricted to 1,0485760000000000E+09 bytes. |
System Response |
The current application program has been terminated with a runtime |
error. |
Procedure |
Restrict the data selection if possible or contact your system |
administrator. |
Procedure for System Administration |
The maximum size of these data volumes can be set using the kernel |
parameter 'abap/alvgrid/size_nodod_mb' (in mega bytes). |
Technical information about the message: |
Message class....... AWRT |
Number.............. 000 |
Variable 1.......... 2,3344597800000000E+09 |
Variable 2.......... 1,0485760000000000E+09 |
Variable 3.......... |
Variable 4.......... " " |
- SAP GUI for HTML (Webgui)
- Internet Transaction Server (ITS)
- SAP NetWeaver
MESSAGE_TYPE_X , SAPLAWRT , abap/alvgrid/size_nodod_mb , ITS_CHECK_ALV_DATA_SIZE , LAWRTU22 , SAPLSLVC_FULLSCREEN 0500, Dataprovider on Demand, Message x000 WITH currsize maxsize, KE5Z fiori app, KE5Z, VF05 , KBA , warning: em-memory exhausted: , workprocess gets priv , mb51 , message_type_xabap , fagll03h , dpod , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , Problem
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