- Symptom 1. - Following error message is present: "No applicable data in the InfoCube " in CCM Workcenter, in Overview section.
- Symptom 2. - Extractor: "Custom Code: CCLM Reporting - Library" is failing with following error: "No Objects found in the library".
- Symptom 3. - Custom Code Collector job (SM_CCLM:CUST*) is failing daily with following dump:
Category ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors SYNTAX_ERROR
Application Component SV-SMG-CCM
Date and Time 16.07.2017 16:13:12
Short Text
Syntax error in program "CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJ_ASSIST=====CP".
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJECTS========CP" had to be terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
In include "CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJ_ASSIST=====CM00I ", in line 1 of program:
"CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJ_ASSIST=====CP", the following syntax errors have occurred:
Method "GET_CLONES" is not declared or inherited in class "CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJ_ASSIST". -
Error analysis
The following syntax error has occurred in program CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJ_ASSIST=====CP :
Method "GET_CLONES" is not declared or inherited in class "CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJ_ASSIST"
Information on where terminated
The termination occurred in ABAP program "CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJECTS========CP",
in "EXTRACT". The main program was "AGSCCL_COLL_EXECUTION".
In the source code, the termination point is in line 17 of (Include)
program "CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJECTS========CM002".
Program "CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJECTS========CP" was started as a background job.
Solution Manager 7.2 SP03 - SP05
SM_CCLM:CUST, CL_AGSCCL_COLL_OBJ_ASSIST, "no applicable data in the InfoCube", "No Objects found in the library", CCLM, CCM Workcenter, CCLM Overview , KBA , SV-SMG-CCM , Custom Code Management , Problem
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