in a sap.suite.ui.commons.Timeline we want to add a multi-faceted filter as it is described in the sap fiori experience guide:
(Behavior and Interaction >> Filter (optional) >> Multi-faceted filter)
Here one can read that a sap.m.ViewSettingsDialog shall be used for multi-faceted filters
The timeline control provides the aggregation customFilter that can be used for it (this is our interpretation)
In the API is written the control one puts into this aggregation has to have an openBy function (because it is called directly in the code: this.getCustomFilter().openBy())
The problem for us is now: The sap.m.ViewSettingsDialog does not provide an openBy function
How do we implement a multi-faceted filter instead?
SAP Fiori Application
SAP Fiori LaunchPad
Fiori LaunchPad
Fiori Application
SAP UI5 openBy , KBA , CA-UI5-CTR , SAP UI5 Controls , Problem
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