When selecting Show Expanded for Links for the tiles in the landing page, it is not displaying as expanded by default.
SAP SF Learning Management System
Reproducing the Issue
1) Go to System Admin - > Configuration - > Landing Page Settings
2) Go to the Links tile and click on show expanded.
3) Come to the user side, you will notice that the links tile is not showing expanded by default.
once user have adjusted the expand or collapse the link tile or any other tile.
The system will capture that preference of the tile for the user
and global change of the tile view from landing page setting will not affect that
until you reset the tile setting globally from the landing page
the only option on landing page is to Reset the tile location to default,
After you reset, then what ever you select on the tile level show expanded or collapse it will show up on the user page.
Landing Page setting Show expanded Tile Links tile , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem