- You are running your SAP system on ASE with one of the SAP BASIS versions specified in the "Enviroment" section of this KBA.
- While using DBACOCKPIT t-code, for any Database related activities, a dump is generated:
Syntax error in program "CL_SYB_RDI_META===============CP ".
Runtime error "SYNTAX_ERROR" occurred.
The current ABAP program "CL_SYB_DBH_SETUP==============CP" had to be |
| terminated because it has |
| come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed. |
| In include "CL_SYB_RDI_META===============CM00R ", in line 544 of program |
| "CL_SYB_RDI_META===============CP ", the following syntax errors |
| have occurred: |
| Field "MAX_INT4" is unknown. It is neither in one of the specified tab |
| les nor defined by a "DATA" statement. "DATA" statement.
- Developper work trace file reports those lines as well:
*** ERROR => Syntax error in program CL_SYB_RDI_META===============CP [abgen.c 1813]
*** ERROR => > Include CL_SYB_RDI_META===============CM00R line 544 [abgen.c 1815]
*** ERROR => > Field "MAX_INT4" is unknown. It is neither in one of the specified tables nor de [abcatchsynta 73]
*** ERROR => > fined by a "DATA" statement. "DATA" statement. [abcatchsynta 75]
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 for Business Suite
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
- SAP NetWeaver (NW) with versions:
- 7.02 SP < 19
- 7.30 SP < 17
- 7.31 SP < 20
- 7.40 SP < 17
- 7.50 SP < 07
- 7.51 SP < 02
KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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