When multiple remote sources are made using the HANA Adapter and a replication task is run, these errors occur:
- Framework.trc- [ERROR][361] - Failed to add the first subscription. Error: java.sql.SQLException: Clean up the environment prohibited! Please check dpagent framework.trc for the recovery steps. Context: null
- framework_alert.trc- [ERROR] TransSystemObjectManager - De-initialization is not allowed due to existing system table(s)... which might not be cleaned up successfully. Please confirm all the subscriptions have been reset/dropped already then manually drop those system table(s) with CASCADE option in source system. Otherwise you may configure duplicate [System Object Prefix] remote source parameter which has conflicts with existing active system objects, please alter this parameter and try again.
SAP Hana Smart Data Integration
SAP HANA 1.0 smart data integration ; SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0
SDI, agent, dp, share, same, HANA, Adapter, users, shadow, table , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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