In a specific Product/Location there is a demand of 100 qty.
This Product/Location is set with Procurement "E" (In House Production) and without any constrain, such as Lot Sizes, on the Master Data.
However, there are Minimum and Maximum and Lot Sizes set in the Product/Location PDS. For example, Minimum and Maximum set both as 50 qty.
Now, when running SNP Heuristic the Demand of 100 qty is not covered at all, resulting in shortage.
All the others Demands after the 100 qty Demand are also not covered, even though those are smaller.
Your expectation is that Heuristic creates 2 Planned Orders of 50 qty, respecting the PDS Lot sizes.
SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SCM-APO)
SAP enhancement package for SAP Supply Chain Management
SAP Supply Chain Management Supply Network Planning (SCM-APO-SNP)
PDS, lot size, minimum, maximum, heuristic, snp, shortage, split , KBA , SCM-APO-SNP-HEU , SNP Heuristic Planning , SCM-APO-SNP-BF , Basic Functions , Problem
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