You schedule the 'RUNSTATS and REORGCHK for all tables' job in DBA Planning Calendar.
You find the following error:
SQL statement runstats on table SYSIBM."SYN171287110559682605_/BIC/EABCDEF001" on all columns
with distribution and unsampled detailed indexes all allow write access set profile none failed with SQL error 20288
SQL20288N Statistics could not be updated for the object.
Object name: "SYN171287110559682605_/BIC/EABCDEF001".
Object type: "ASM TABLE".
Reason code: "1".
SAP on IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Database version is 10.5 or higher
SQL20288N, 20288, Runstat_All, runstats , KBA , sql20288n , BC-DB-DB6-CCM , CCMS/Database Monitors , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , BC-DB-DB6-DBA , Database Administration , Problem
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