During a Dual-Stack Split operation in phase"Adapt Database for JAVA target System" you are requested to provide the package Migration Export, which is the resulting package from step "Export Primary Application Server of Dual Stack System".
When you provide the export package, SWPM shows the following message:
Specify a location for the requested package Migration Export.
SOLUTION: Specify the location which contains the corerct LABEL.ASC file (look for SAP:JMIG:70:*.*.*)
Checking the LABEL.ASC file of the export package it shows a different release: SAP:JMIG:730:*:*:*
- SWPM release independent
- Netweaver 7.0 or higher
DSS, Software Provisioning Manager, LABELIDX.ASC, Looking for packages, wrong label, incorrect version, sapinst , KBA , BC-INS-DSS , Dual-Stack Split Tool , Problem
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