You are using the following VBA code to protect the worksheet
Dim api As Object
Set api = Application.COMAddIns("FPMXLClient.Connect").Object
Dim SheetProtectionOptions As Long
SheetProtectionOptions = FPMXLClient.ProtectSheet_ProtectContents + FPMXLClient.ProtectSheet_AllowFormatColumns + FPMXLClient.ProtectSheet_AllowUsingPivotTables
api.SetSheetOption Sheet2, 300, True, "mypassword", SheetProtectionOptions
You are only expecting "Format Columns" and "Use PivotTable Reports" are selected, but "Edit Objects" and "Edit Scenarios" are also selected.
SAP EPM solutions, add-in for Microsoft Office
KBA , EPM-XLS , EPM Excel Client , How To
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