- User is able to Transfer Goods with movement type 311( within plant) successfully.
- Using Movement type 301 (plant to plant) user is NOT able to select different plants to transfer the stock as only one plant is available in complex table (in WPF Client) which is maintained in SU01.
- User is able to get all the plants in the complex table but no materials can be seen in the complex table.
Expected behavior: Using Movement type 301 (plant to plant) user should be able to select different plants to transfer the stock in Inventory Manager.
Mobile Application and Version:SAP Inventory Manager 4.3
SMP runtime version/patch level (Server & SDK version/patch):
Mobile Add-On version/patch (SAP component list): SMERP 620_700
Syclo, Agentry, complex, inventory manager, IM43, movement, SLoc, material, CT , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , MOB-SYC-SAP-IM , Syclo SAP Inventory Manager Application , Problem
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