SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2507544 - Employee Central - Troubleshooting Recruiting and Onboarding to Employee Central Integrations


  • This KB article was created to assist with troubleshooting field mapping, propagation and other configuration related issues in regards to Onboarding and Recruiting to Employee Central.
  • Most of the issues covered in this article occur when adding a new employee via Manage Pending Hires.


  • SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
  • SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
  • SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding
  • SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting




Implementation Guides

Most data issues when adding a new employee from RCM and/or ONB are due to either field mapping or propagation (via propagation xml or Business Rules). The field mapping issues can be resolved by confirming the configuration is correct as per the implementation guides:


Field Mapping Configuration

The following table includes common field mapping issues and error messages that occur during the new hire process:

Employee Central Element Issue Type Description/Helpful KBAs
General (All Elements) Field Mapping

KBA 2705351 - EC integration with Onboarding or Recruiting [code] attribute explained

Personal Information Field Mapping

KBA 2432859 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC in Personal Information
KBA 2256827 - Gender/Marital Status/EthnicGroupCodeStatus are not mapping
KBA 2432666 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC in Name Information
KBA 2595189 - Unable to choose the Nationality in the Field Mapping Tool

Address Information Field Mapping KBA 2433026 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC in Address Information
Email & Phone Information Field Mapping

KBA 2432790 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC in Email Information
KBA 2432842 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC in Phone Information

Error Message KBA 2478250 - Error: "Please configure key with valid type"

*Note, this same error can occur for phone information, which will require the same steps to resolve as documented in the above KBA.
Emergency Contact Information Field Mapping KBA 2432866 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC for Emergency Contact Information
Error Message KBA 2360120 - Invalid HRIS element specified in the transformation mapping : primary-flag
Dependent Information Field Mapping KBA 2432939 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC for Dependent Information
KBA 2452184 - Configuring Depending mapping between ONB and EC
Biographical Information Field Mapping KBA 2432617 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC for Biographical Information
National ID Information Field Mapping KBA 2432802 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC for National ID Information
KBA 2384401 - True/False value appears under 'Is Primary' field
Payment Information Field Mapping KBA 2355096 - RCM/ONB to EC Integration of Payment Information Prerequisites
KBA 2418961 - RCM to EC Payment Information field mapping
KBA 2469816 - Fields are not mapping between ONB and EC for Direct Deposit
Error Message KBA 2425966 - Invalid bank country: NLD received for PaymentInformationDetailV3
Global Information Field Mapping

KBA 2338323 - Propagation of Global Information fields from RCM to EC

Error Message

KBA 2570467 - Global Info fields are configured. But Country has not been passed from RCM - Error when mapping dependent

Job Information Field Mapping

KBA 2433941 - Position to Job Information does not work for RCM to EC or ONB to EC
KBA 2356773 - Manager does not default when hiring from ONB in Manage Pending Hires
KBA 2422290 - Hire Date is not mapping for Internal Hires

Compensation Information Field Mapping

KBA 2517019 - Frequency and currency field mapping for compensation pay components not working properly when hiring new candidates
KBA 2578324 - Minimal required fields to integrate Pay component
KBA 2508721 - RCM to EC: How to map a particular Pay Component value?

Position Management to Job Requisition (RCM) Field Mapping / Configuration

KBA 2501144 - Position to Job Requisition Rule Definition for the Job Requisition FO/GO Object Fields
KBA 2459789 - Position to RCM Integration recommended mappings for Foundation Objects
KBA 2462194 - How to map a Decimal field from the Position to a Text field in the Job Requisition
KBA 2361220 - How to map Picklist fields in EC Position Management to RCM Integration with oData API?

Error Message

KBA 2359647 - Receiving Error "jobCode invalid, with index 0" When Creating a Job Requisition from the Position Org Chart
KBA 2386842 - Function Format Date for Position to Job Requisition Mapping not available
KBA 2362679 - Error in creating Requisition from Position Org chart with error “INSERTED with the index 0”


Common Issues

 The following table includes common issues/errors found when attempting to hire/rehire an employee from Manage Pending Hires:

Issue Description
A common issue reported is regarding performance (slow performance) when loading sections/portlets in Add New Employee. The employee may experience high wait times when filling in various portlets when data is being loaded from Onboarding. The cause is due to how the fields are mapped in the Onboarding Mapping Template (XML). Please see related KBA 2523058 for details and solution.
How to control which candidates are available in Manage Pending Hires
A common example is an HR Manager hiring/reviewing new employees cannot see all candadiates withing Manage Pending Hires. Please see related KBA 2329965 for details and solution on how to configure permissions.
"HTTP Request Failed" Error Error occurs when attempting to approve a workflow (if no workflow exists, then error will occur on submit) for hiring an internal recruit from Onboarding. The cause is the hiring employee does not have sufficient permissions to the newhire. Please see related KBA 2503355 for details and solution.
"Accept Match" button is grayed out during the duplicate check popup when trying to hire candidate from Manage Pending Hires After filling in of the identity section, a typical duplicate check popup is received as the userid is already found/used, but the "accept match" button is grayed out and therefore you are unable to continue. This scenario can usually occur when doing an internal hire or when Preday 1 option is enabled for Onboarding. For solution and full details of issue, please see KBA 2513665.
Error at the end of the Manage Pending Hires wizard for "some" Candidates This can be caused by a configuration inconsistency between the Candidate Profile and Employee Profile configuration, where Candidate Profile portlets are configured to synchronize to Emloyee Profile when the Candidate is Hired intot he system. Please refer to the guidance given in 2233525 - How is the system working with sm-mapping?

Propagation from RCM/ONB

Another major consideration when troubleshooting newhire/rehire issues is data propagating from RCM/ONB to EC. The data coming from RCM/ONB to EC can be overwritten by a number of different sources on the EC side. Please review the information below to understand the causes of the data (coming from RCM/ONB) to be overwritten when adding a employee in 'Add New Employee' or 'Manage Pending Hires' tools:

Important note: System will first load the mapping data when candidate is opened in manage pending hires hence this can have impact on country specific fields/mapping as system will read first the country passed and then will store the country specific mappings that are valid for that country, in this case, if the country is changed during the manage pending hires system will not load the mapping again for these fields.


New hire employee
Employee does not have any previously maintained data in the system. New Hire data (if mapped correctly) coming from RCM/ONB can be overwritten by the following (in order):

  1. onInit Business Rules
  2. onChange Business Rules

If the field is overwritten, check any of the three sources above to verify if the data is being propagated as expected


Rehire employee
Employee is a Rehire and was previously Terminated. The Rehire data will have the source information coming from the database as the records already exist in the system. This data can then be overwritten by the following (in order):

1.) RCM/ONB data will overwrite the database information if the field mapping is setup correctly
2.) onInit Business Rules
3.) onChange Business Rules

Note: The value below the field is always the value coming from ONB/RCM as shown below



Internal Hire
The user is a current employee being hired for another position through RCM and possibly ONB. This behavior is similiar to that of Rehired employees as the source information will be coming from the database because the records already exist. The data can then be overwritten in the following (in order):

1.) RCM/ONB data will overwrite the database information if the field mapping is setup correctly
2.) onChange Business Rules

** onInit Rules are not triggered during the Internal Hire process

Note: For internal hires, the first value stored below the field is always the previously stored database value and the second value is coming from RCM or ONB. When using the v12 UI, the second value will appear to the right of the field. For PP3, the second value appears below the first value, example below:


The behavior regarding old values displayed for internal hires is documented in KBA 2514357

Final comments on propagation: If a field is showing unexpected/incorrect or missing data, it could be caused by any of the following: onInit Business Rules and/or onChange Business Rules. Always check these sources to validate if they are causing the data for the field to be overwritten.

OnInit rules and onChange rules can cause data to be overwritten on page load, for example, when navigating from the Personal Information section to Job Information, first the system will trigger any onInit rules that are setup/configured and then process onChange rules for RCM/ONB fields on page load. Please note, onChange rules typically are only triggered when a change is made to the field the onChange rule is set on, however if data is coming from RCM/ONB, for example when mapping Position data, then the onChange rule will trigger on page load.

 If there is specific mapping only defined in RCM transformation template to EC and onboaring process in involved then this mapping will not work. Only direct mapping will work to EC.


sf, success factors, EC, ONB, OBD, on boarding, RCM, newhire, rehire, internalhire, manage pending hires, mph, invalid data, pre-day1, manage pending recruits, FAQ , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-INT , Manage Pending Hires (Integration RCM/ ONB/ OBX + UI) , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , LOD-SF-RCM-INT , Integration Center & Intelligent Services , LOD-SF-OBD-INT , Integrations with Onboarding , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions