- ABAP system is High Availability and it has instances like DL5_ASCS10_testvm, DL5_DVEBMGS20_serverA, DL5_D20_serverB, DL5_ERS22_serverA, DL5_ERS22_serverB. testvm is virtual host and it get resolved to either physical host serverA or serverB at runtime.
- In t-code SMLG, one group (like PUBLIC) has been configured to have both instance DL5_DVEBMGS20_serverA and DL5_D20_serverB.
- To achieve load balance, following JCo parameters has been used to connect from custom program to ABAP system using JCo. However at runtime, JCo connection always get redirected to the ABAP server that ASCS10 runs on. It is not load balanced.
jco.client.sysnr = 20
jco.client.mshost = testvm = PUBLIC
jco.client.r3name = DL5
SAP Java Connector 3.0x
SAP Composition Environment all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions
負荷分散, 片方 , ha, 负载均衡, log on group, logon group, abap message server, msgserver, application server, application host, sid, instance number , KBA , BC-MID-CON-JCO , Java-Connector , BC-MID-RFC , RFC , BC-CST-MS , Message Service , BC-CST-LG , Logon group based load balancing , BC-CCM-CNF-GRP , Workload Balancing and Group Management , Problem
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