You are running PI Dual stack system with Kernel 749.
You notice intermittent HTTP 404 error, where HTTP request is triggered toward Java stack, although system is up and running. However in the next attempt or several minutes later, the issue will not occur.
This may happen to any URL based on Java stack.
Reported symptoms so far include:
- Accessing rwb/pimon from browser
- Performimg Adapter Engine Self-test under PI Component Monitor
SAP NetWeaver PI (Dual Stack), with Kernel 749
HTTP 404, Kernel 749, intermittent, PI, Process Integration, Dual Stack, ICM, dispatch , KBA , BC-XI-CON-AFW , J2EE Adapter Framework , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-NWA-XPI , Process Integration (PI) Monitoring , Problem
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