- BI kerberos SSO libraries cannot launch with certain version of java SDK 1.8.121 and newer.
- This issue has also been observed with java SDK 1.7.141 (it's possible it was added on earlier versions)
- An affected system manual logon will work fine but SSO will fail from (launchpad, opendocument, CMC, web services (dswsbobje))
- To note that the version of java SDK when repackaged such as with SAP and IBM may not reflect the same version # that Oracle JVM displays
- To get the java version at a dos prompt run the command java -version
- The error could vary especially fepending on web/app, most likely the web/app server logs will show some type of licence and or certificate loading error
- If affected SSO will fail (seemingly for no explainable reason) and manual AD should still work.
- Error occurs after upgrading java on the BI server. Reverting to a version prior to the upgrade generally fixes SSO
- this could also appear on a new install if the install is using the java SDK's above.
Errors noted in the std.err when this issue occursSEVERE: Exception starting filter authFilterjavax.servlet.ServletException: Invalid com.wedgetail.idm.sso.AbstractAuthenticator.initAuthenticator2( com.wedgetail.idm.sso.AbstractAuthenticator.initAuthenticator( com.wedgetail.idm.sso.AuthFilter.init( com.businessobjects.sdk.credential.WrappedResponseAuthFilter.init(
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x (4.0 4.1 4.2 virtually any BI software could be affected since the issue is related to the java version not necessarily BI version).
- This issue has been also reported on SAP Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1 and no fix is planned so the work around is the only option
- Oracle Java SE Development kit 8u121 otherwise known as 1.8 version 121 and later
- It is possible that Oracle will backport the change to other versions of the java SDK and we've already had a report of it on java SDK 1.7 version 141
- Any supported Operating System (Linux, Unix, Windows, etc) and version of Active Directory could be used as well.
zie emkba biauth wakba single sign on sign-on automatic logon bkba tomcat websphere weblogic netweaver jvm jre sun ibm , KBA , BI-BIP-AUT , Authentication, ActiveDirectory, LDAP, SSO, Vintela , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Bug Filed
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