You are experiencing the following dump when editing evaluation templates and click Submit Evaluation Request button:
Category | ABAP programming error |
Runtime Errors | MESSAGE_TYPE_X |
Application Component | SLC-EVL |
Short Text |
The current application has triggered a termination with a short dump. |
What happened? |
The current application program has detected a situation that should not occur. A termination with short dump has therefore been triggered by the key word MESSAGE (type X). |
Source Code Extract |
* find the local bgRFC destination CALL FUNCTION 'OWN_LOGICAL_SYSTEM_GET' IMPORTING own_logical_system = lv_own_log_sys EXCEPTIONS own_logical_system_not_defined = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc = 0. * SELECT SINGLE * FROM /srmsmc/d_syschr INTO ls_d_syschr WHERE sys_character = /srmsmc/if_ SELECT SINGLE * FROM /srmsmc/d_rfcdst INTO ls_d_rfcdest WHERE logsys = lv_own_log_sys AN process_type = /srmsmc/if_ ENDIF. lv_destination = ls_d_rfcdest-rfc_destination. * does not make any sense to continue without the destination * eventually change the assert into an error message 'destination not maintained' ASSERT lv_destination IS NOT INITIAL. * instantiate RFC destination of service type bgrfc TRY. lo_destination = cl_bgrfc_destination_outbound=>create( lv_destination ). CATCH cx_bgrfc_invalid_destination. >>>>> MESSAGE x007(/srmsmc/sev) WITH lv_destination. "Invalid destination &1 ENDTRY. |
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management
SLC, SLM, SRMSMC, /SRMSMC/SEV 007, /SRMSMC/CL_D_CREATE_SRS_ASYNC=CM001, /SRMSMC/CL_D_CREATE_SRS_ASYNC, /BOBF/IF_FRW_DETERMINATION~EXECUTE, 500 SAP Internal Error, Manage Templates Evaluation, RFC Destination for Asynchronous Processing, Assign RFC Connection to Communication Process Type, Define bgRFC Supervisor Destination, Define Logical System, Select Transfer Protocol, connection type 3, LOCAL, /srmsmc/d_rfcdst , KBA , SLC-EVL , Supplier Evaluation , Problem
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