Report on homepage tile shows message "maximum snapshot limit of 50 records exceeded" instead of report data.
Reproducing the Issue
1. Add report to homepage tiles
2. Go to homepage
3. Report tile does not show data, instead of that message is noticed as "maximum snapshot limit of 50 records exceeded"
4. Clicking on the tile will open the complete report
Currently this is expected behavior.
This is done to enhance the system performance.
If the number of records in a report exceeds 50 then it do not show reports or charts on the homepage tile, instead it just display a static icon with the message "Maximum snapshot limit of 50 records exceeded. Click to view full report."
You can either restrict the data to show less than 50 records or you can click on the tile and open the report to see the data.
KBA , LOD-CRM-HOM , Home Page , How To