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2508637 - Targeted CR List for ASE 16.0 SP03 PL02


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 PL02. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release. 


CR NumberDescription
787389 On Windows platform, if SAP ASE runs out of room in the socket table, the server will permanently stop listening for new connections even after sockets become available again.
796164 A 3702 error, "Cannot drop or replace the encryption key ' < encryption_key_name > ' because it is currently in use.", should be reported when DROP ENCRYPTION KEY < encryption_key_name > is run while the encryption key is still referenced, but the key was dropped mistakenly and no message was raised.
798781 In rare circumstance, a 7105 error, "TEXT/IMAGE/UNITEXT page < page # > does not have a next page. Either there is a suspect text page chain, or transaction isolation level 'read uncommitted' has been set. Database tempdb, table < table name > , first text page < page # > ", may be reported when inserting data into a UNITEXT column.
799064 A 2514 error, "Table Corrupt: Type id 56 (type name = 56) does not match between systypes and syscolumns" maybe reported by DBCC CHECKCATALOG on a database containing table-valued functions.
799127 A 804 error, "Unable to find buffer '0x%lx' from cache '%.*s' holding logical page '%u' in sdes '0x%lx' kept buffer pool for object '%.*s'.", maybe reported when queries generate DOL worktable and truncate it.
799194 An 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page < > in database < > " may be reported after loading a database dump that is followed by one or more transaction dumps while trying to access a page, if the database was shrunk before taking the database dump or a transaction dump followed by a database extension that was captured in a following transaction dump.
799428 When the configuration parameter 'extend implicit conversion' is set and an implicit varchar to numeric conversion is performed, the precision and scale of the resulting numeric might exceed their respective maximum values. For varchar lengths greater that 77, the resulting numeric would consist of uniquely post-decimal digits (i.e. NUMERIC(77,77)), which was not the intent. Also, extended implicit conversions erroneously suppressed truncation errors for conversions between character and int/numeric types.
801212 Performance degradation may be observed when there is procedure cache contention due to most of the engine level cache being full or empty.
801266 A 16386 error, "Error: SQLScript syntax 'locate' is not supported", will be reported when executing the built-in function locate() from an SQLScript database.
801872 A 1530 error, "Create index with sorted_data was aborted because of row out of order", may be reported instead of error 15451, "You cannot encrypt/decrypt column < column_name > because it belongs to a clustered/placement index on table < table_name > . Drop the index before the ALTER command, and recreate it afterwards.", when the encryption key of an encrypted column, that is part of a clustered index key, is changed while the non-clustered indexes for this table are being rebuilt.
802476 SAP ASE may return a wrong result set if a proxy table is used in a derived table and is involved in an aggregate query. See KBA 2371951.
803834 The message, "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'des_checkpoint' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'dpdb_main' and 'checkpoint', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DUMP DATABASE is run resulting in SAP ASE shutting down implicitly because of the spinlock 'Dbtable- > dbt_defpipebufgpspin' being held. See KBA 2439610.
803866 A 7718 error, "The 'CREATE ENCRYPTION KEY' command is not allowed within a multi-statement" and the 2946 error, "Failed to create service key syb_xpskey", may be reported when executing xp_cmdshell (or any extended stored procedure) within a transaction for the first time. Subsequent executions do raise the errors.
804347 In rare circumstances, when semantic partitioning is enabled, a stack trace may be observed if select query has join of list partitioned tables with equality predicate.
804893 A query that is using TUDF and outer joins may sometimes return incorrect results because the outer join is incorrectly changed to a regular join.
805018 sp_configure raises the 5861 error, "The current 'max memory' value < max_memory_value > , is not sufficient to change the parameter 'number of user connections' to '32728'. 'max memory' should be greater than 'total logical memory' < wrong_memory_value > required for the configuration.", with an invalid value for total logical memory when configuring for 32729 or more user connections. See KBA 2417198.
805280 For SAP ASE running in threaded kernel mode, a task (spid) may get stuck in kctCheckAsync(), i.e. DBCC STACKTRACE( < spid > ) shows function kctCheckAsync. This spid can be killed using 'kill < spid > ' if traceflag 7866 is enabled, or if the time (in minutes) indicated by the SAP ASE configuration parameter 'async poll timeout' period has elapsed, then the task automatically returns from kctCheckAsync() function, closing the remote connection.
805527 The monDataCache MDA table might report incorrect values in PhysicalReads, APFReads and PhysicalWrites columns that are much less than the corresponding values from the monCachePool MDA table for a data cache with multiple partitions.
806180 Messages on the progress of IMRS redo recovery phase for a database are now reported either to the client or in the SAP ASE error log, respectively for LOAD and boot recovery cases. Additionally when LOAD DATABASE or LOAD TRANSACTION is run, IMRS recovery messages are now reported to the client instead of the error log.
806327 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 's__prep_tablefunc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_normquery' and 's_normalize' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if a Table UDF is used in a nested subquery. See KBA 2546009.
806700 In rare circumstances, sp_monitorconfig may return '0' value for the 'Max_Used' column for configuration parameters which internally uses memory from object pool. See KBA 2515680.
806849 In rare circumstances, the IMRSLOG may not be truncated following a successful execution of DBCC IMRS with option 'move truncation point' if there are long running statements or transactions active.
806917 In Accelerator for SAP ASE, cursor pushdown does not support cursor status statement @@fetch_status.
807059 The REORG DEFRAG command is not honouring 'enforce dump tran sequence' when 'full logging for reorg' is disabled mistakenly, causing subsequent DUMP TRAN executions to abort with a 4207 error, "Dump transaction is not allowed because a non-logged operation was performed on the database..." unexpectedly. See KBA 2456447.
807128 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'altdb__report_shrinklog_info' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'altdb__do_shrinkdb' and 'altdb_shrink' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when shrink database and shrink log command are run concurrently.
807270 In custom HADR environment, if the Fault Manager is used, and if the SAP ASE is configured with the All-Pages lock scheme, then the Fault Manager shows incorrect ASE status as DB_INDOUBT even if ASE is in healthy state.
807383 On Unix platforms, in the Job Scheduler Agent (jsagent) process, when multiple threads hits a fatal signal like SIGSEGV simultaneously, then the core file is not generated.
807676 The replication of a DML command on a table having a function-based index fails and a 11738 error, "Name 'sybfi < value > ' is reserved for internal use by Adaptive Server." is reported in the error log of Replication Server.
807724 sp_showcontrolinfo shows incorrect value in scope column for a "AP" binding. This only happened when the previous row is a "LG" binding and current "AP" row has the scope with NULL value. See KBA 2465543.
807741 Executing ALTER TABLE FOR PROXY_UPDATE against a proxy table mapped to SAP Anywhere or SAP IQ may fail with incorrect syntax error.
807808 A 987 error, "IMRS Garbage Collector or Pack Task for Database < dbname > failed to start with code -7", may be reported when "ALTER DATABASE < dbname > ROW STORAGE ON < cachename > " is run on a database that is currently offline.
807819 When the master device is upgraded from a pre-15.0.2 version of SAP ASE, the execution of sp_passwordpolicy 'list', 'allow password downgrade' should report the message 'Password downgrade is allowed' instead of 'New master database'.
807849 SAP ASE may incur a segmentation fault in ksnetctlrAddSockEvent() when new client connections are made during shutdown with nowait.
807929 A 207 error, "Invalid column name 'sysstat5'", may be reported when using the migration tool to migrate from a lower version of SAP ASE (lower than 16.0 SP02) to higher version of SAP ASE, or when creating a proxy table from a higher version of SAP ASE to a lower version.
807966 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'mda_populate_monSpinlockActivity' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'mda_exec' and 'VTABRemoteAccess::startScan' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT from monSpinlockActivity is run. See KBA 2545393.
808026 In rare circumstances a 623 error, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of < negative_value > . Maximum allowed length is < value > ." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while accessing the system table sysimrslogs.
808040 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'pci_killslot' together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during a forced shutdown (shutdown with nowait).
808195 SELECT INTO temp table may result in the error, "inserted value too large for column", to be reported at HANA if the source table was created using traceflag 11246 that allows mapping varchar column to HANA as nvarchar.
808205 Executing a preupgrade from an SAP ASE 12.* server to any SAP ASE version above 15.0 may result in a 207 error, "Invalid column name < column_name > ", for columns 'partitiontype' and 'conditionid' that do not exist in the SAP ASE 12.* version.
808225 A 2901 error, "Exception stack limit exceeded", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'getuidfromname' and 'udr_crtrole', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing CREATE ROLE on AIX platform with a large number of databases. See KBA 2479506.
808232 MDA Wait events to identify IMRS GC/PACK, IMRS LOB GC, Hash Cached B-tree GC sleeps and corresponding context switch reasons are missing in the sysmon report.
808280 The partial rollback of a transaction may be unexpectedly discarded by replication, resulting in a data mismatch between the primary and replicate databases.
808282 A 313 error, "The optimizer could not find a unique index which it could use to perform an isolation level 0 scan on table 'master..spt_values'", can occur if running stored procedure sp_spaceusage/sp_dboption under isolation level 0.
808283 An attempt to establish an SSL connection using the JDBC driver (jConnect) with JRE 1.6.0_29 or later hangs or fails.
808309 In rare circumstances, the message, "DROP DATABASE could not clean < amount_of_unreleased_memory > bytes from the row storage cache, ' < imrs_cache_name > '. Please drop and recreate the cache before reusing it.", may be reported by DROP DATABASE if Garbage Collect system tasks (IMRS GC) terminate before Pack system tasks (IMRS_PACK) whereby some memory is wasted in the given IMRS cache.
808326 Descending sorting doesn't work correctly in a query containing both an ORDER BY clause and a LIMIT clause.
808441 Inserts to a data row caching enabled round robin partitioned table might be disproportionately distributed.
808443 Lock promotion to table lock should be avoided when executing the command DBCC IMRS(maintain, imrslog, < dbname > , 'move truncation point').
808489 A segmentation violation followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'am_count_bits_in_dmap' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when loading a database dump on a database that is marked as suspect if the database is bigger than 64G in a 2K server, 128G in a 4K server, 256G in a 8K server and 512G in a 16K server. See KBA 2490688.
808518 On HP platform, under heavy load, a spid may hit timeslice error when returning query results to the client.
808523 A 313 error, "The optimizer could not find a unique index which it could use to perform an isolation level 0 scan on table < table_name > ", may be reported when an All-Pages Lock MDA table or proxy table is queried at isolation level 0.
808535 A 9417 error, "RepAgent( < dbid > ): The CI-resource 'CMD Package' is exhausted, please use 'sp_config_rep_agent' to increase the configuration value of 'buffer pool size'. Waiting for a free package may result in performance degradation." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when using streaming replication while excessive flushing of partially filled packages takes place.
808553 RC4 and 3DES are removed from the SSL default cipher suites list.
808634 sp_sjobcontrol stored procedure may fail with error 553 when called to enable/disable caller's scheduled jobs, using the syntax "exec sp_sjobcontrol @name='jname= < jobname > ', @option='enable|disable'".
808636 A 716 error, "Unable to allocate memory of size < nnnnn > bytes from the 'compression info' pool", followed by a 2628 error, "In database < dbname > , page < page_num > is linked forward to page < page_num1 > , but that page is linked backward to page < page_num2 > . Please report this internal error to SAP Technical Support", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when inserting into a table with compressed indexes. See KBA 2483958.
808637 KBA 2460661. Under rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'js__sequencer_load' together with a stack trace that includes the module 'js__sequencer_boot', may be reported when installjsdb is modified to include spaces instead of tab and the Job Scheduler fails to start.
808641 In rare circumstances, if "sp_dboption < dbname > , 'single user', true" fails for an in-memory row storage (IMRS) enabled database, IMRS background threads for garbage collection and / or pack (of this database) may not be re-spawned.
808652 In rare circumstances, when ALTER DATABASE < dbname > off < device_name > command is executed concurrently with INSERT / UPDATE or DELETE commands on an on-disk MVCC enabled database, Adaptive Server may report Error 806 "Could not find virtual page for logical page < pageno > in database ' < dbname > '" along with a stack-trace involving module like 'altdb__upd_text_ptr'. Alternatively, a subsequent DBCC CHECKSTORAGE followed by DBCC CHECKVERIFY command may report hard faults.
808666 The monDeviceSpaceUsage table might return incorrect data when it is queried concurrently from multiple sessions. In rare cases, the Global Fragment Pool might be corrupted. Customer may see signal 11 error in kbfalloc() or kbffree().
808683 When RepAgent is configured for stream replication, it may terminate abnormally with error 9254 while a DDL command is executed during SUM upgrade.
808707 sp_helpconfig is enhanced to estimate Hash Cached B-tree (HCB) index memory pool size.
808720 Under rare circumstances, a 12343 error, "Cannot serialize the transaction for the scan on table < table_name > in database < db_name > , as a phantom row has been inserted in the result set, or some changes have occurred to the rows in the result set since the start of the transaction", may be reported when a SELECT FOR UDPATE query that contains ORDER BY or JOIN clauses, is executed with transaction snapshot isolation on an MVCC or On-disk MVCC enabled table.
808729 SAP ASE does not handle numeric conversion results consistently during RPC calls when arithabort is OFF.
808742 For ASE running on Linux, Solaris & HP, an SSL connection may hang if the client cancels the current command while query results are being sent to client by ASE OR ASE may get cpu bound if the client of an SSL connection disconnects while ASE is writing to the connection.
808773 SAP ASE server is further improved following the fix for CR 787670 to check each LOB first text page and clear uninitialized TIPSA information when the server trace flag 7167 is enabled to prevent error 632 from being mistakenly reported when compressed LOB data is in use.
808784 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stacktrace that includes the modules 'LeWkTbl::rewindWkTbl' and 'LeCache::LeCacheNext' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT FOR UPDATE query encounters write conflicts while executing on an On-Disk MVCC or MVCC enabled table. See KBA 2546130.
808785 On Linux, Solaris and HP platforms, in rare circumstances, ASE may unexpectedly terminate a SSL connection.
808812 The error, "Command has been aborted", may be reported during an INSERT query after a clustered index with DESC option is first created on an empty round-robin partitioned table.
808821 Fixed coding error for ASE error log contains lots of "Unable to read in login record" message.
808871 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the modules 'querytuning_ins_sysoptions' and 'ins_sysoptions', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing a query that joins sysoptions, monProcessActivity and sysprocesses. See KBA 2545407.
808883 A 3475 error, "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database..." may be reported when there is a long running transaction that causes DUMP TRANSACTION to not truncate any log pages and DUMP TRANSACTION is run a high number of times.
808888 The fix for a long running internal 'sort_local' transaction during cursor processing causing tempdb log full scenario is turned on by default (previously TF 11821 was needed to turn this fix ON), and now TF 11820 can be used to turn the fix OFF.
808936 The message, "Incorrect column type in the offset table of row < > . This row is on page < > , partition ID < > , and belongs to object 'syscomments' (ID 6) in database ' < > ' (ID < > )." may be mistakenly reported when running DBCC CHECKTABLE(syscomments).
808940 SSL certificate load fails with error 'decryption of password failed' during server boot when service key syb_extpasswdkey exists
808941 In rare circumstances, the message, "Invalid column name 'sysstat5'", may be reported during downgrade of a database from 16.0 SP03 or after.
808954 The stored procedure, sp_imrs, is enhanced to support the execution of sp_imrs 'pack', 'deleted rows' which will pack deleted rows from all tables. Additionally sp_imrs 'show' is extended to report the 'delrowcounts' entity which will display metrics of deleted rows waiting to be packed.
808961 A 952 error, "Database < dbname > cannot be opened because the system index descriptor for table ID 4 cannot be installed.", may be reported when booting a server with 4K page size downgraded from 16.0 SP03.
809006 A 12356 error, "MOUNT DATABASE failed as required temporary database '' or row storage cache '' is not present or is already in use by some other database." may be raised when executing MOUNT DATABASE command for a database having IMRS CACHE and VERSION STORAGE enabled.
809038 The error, "The dbinfo anchor in the database 'database ' < dbname > '' is already locked by the task. Nested access to dbinfo anchor is not allowed.", followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'checkpoint' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if the checkpoint task runs out of locks.
809043 A 16878 error, "The limit specified in a LIMIT clause may not be negative", may be reported during the execution of a dynamic prepared statement with LIMIT clause and table-valued user defined function.
809050 On Unix platforms, CTRL+C of ASE server results in segmentation fault and may need 'kill -9 < pid > ' to be issued at the OS prompt to shutdown the ASE.
809062 Performance degradation may be observed due to an increase in SSQL_CACHESPIN spinlocks.
809065 A 2705 error, “Column names in each table must be unique. Column name < column_name > in table < table_name > is specified more than once” and a 207 error, “Invalid column name < column_name > ”, may be reported against an SQLScript database when an ORDER BY clause is used in a CURSOR statement.
809093 The error message "Logical page < page_num > is not in the given database map" will be printed in the SAP Backupserver error log followed by a stack trace in the SAP ASE error log including the module 'dmpld_send_dbdam_runlist' at DUMP DATABASE time if the database option 'allow incremental dumps' is enabled and SAP ASE failed to allocate the required number of pages to store the bitmap of changed pages.
809098 Cleanup is failing during abort transaction due to no space in log.
809124 A 16386 error, ""SQL syntax error: not enough values", will be reported when executing a SELECT INTO query in a SQLScript database.
809160 sp_helpdb does not indicate if a database is created as a SQLScript or TSQL database.
809164 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘memmove’, ‘mkvarchar’ and ‘sqlscript_parse’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when creating a user with an invalid password in a SQLScript database. See KBA 2546008.
809173 A 14601 error, "Invalid length '256' found for anchor type '0'. Sysanchors page '24', offset '712'." will be reported when doing a crossed platform database load from a 16.0 SP02 database dump into a 16.0 SP03 ASE installation.
809179 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'dbt_unkeep' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'close_range' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query uses a worktable. See KBA 2545441.
809180 The installSQLScriptProc script is missing and not included in the SAP ASE installation package.
809188 The error, "Invalid RPC sequence at RPC as_cmd. RPC ('as_cmd') execution failed.", may be raised when executing a remote DUMP or LOAD at a server using a name or address-port that is redirected to the actual remote Backup Server address.
809210 A 11060 error, "This statement has exceeded the maximum number of recompilations (10). This indicates an internal error." may be reported when executing a SELECT query in read uncommitted mode which results in a nested execution of User Defined Functions (UDF) that can return a table variable.
809219 Under rare circumstances, if a SELECT FOR UPDATE query having LOB columns is executed under a transaction with statement snapshot or transaction snapshot isolation on an On-disk MVCC enabled table and before the transaction could complete, an UPDATE or DELETE query is executed on the same set of rows, UPDATE or DELETE query may go through and modify the rows instead of waiting for the transaction, having SELECT FOR UPDATE query, to be committed or rolled back.
809244 After the fix of CR 777172, cache size is stored in terms of 2K. Views have been changed accordingly to reflect this behavior. Cache sizes up to 2TB will show actual size in the views.
809251 The message, "Adaptive Server Enterprise system exception generated by a storage access violation" in the module 'search_root_block_from_seqnode' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'get_root_block' and 'tdsrecv__mktree' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the builtin datachange() is used in a procedure.
809265 After running "alter database < database_name > on/off < database_device > size = '0M'", command fails with error Msg 5015 - "CREATE or ALTER DATABASE failed. The size specified must be < n > megabyte(s) or greater".
809306 In rare circumstances, the RepAgent may fail to shut down gracefully when the synchronous replication mode is enabled and the Replication Server is already stopped.
809308 A 941 error, "Illegal database context operation", will be reported when LOAD DATABASE of master database is run.
809324 No warning message is reported when a portion of IMRS cache memory could not be freed after executing ALTER DATABASE ROW STORAGE OFF.
809330 A 9502 error, "Data exception - string data right truncated Command has been aborted.", or truncated values for 'Name' column, may be reported if a configuration option name exceeds 25 characters when SP_MONITORCONFIG with the 'all' option is executed and the set option string_rtruncation is enabled.
809348 The value of an updated column may have an incorrect column length after executing an UPSERT query on a table with a very long column name in an SQLScript database.
809353 An Arithmetic Overflow error can be seen when using sp_configure " < param_name > ", 0, " < value > {K|M|G}" instead of number of pages.
809356 In rare circumstances, cached rows in an IMRS enabled table which are later deleted may not be packed through background pack until the table is dropped or table reorg utility such as offline REORG REBUILD is run on the table.
809358 The oldest inserted transaction in a database may not be moved even if all the rows of the transaction are deleted, after a SELECT column_list FROM SYSIMRSLOGSHOLD that affects more than one database.
809365 Buffer level spinlock statistics (like spins, grabs, waits) are not visible in MDA, sysmon or other monitoring tools.
809371 A dynamic prepared statement with LIMIT clause may return wrong result with limit value passed as a variable and executed multiple times for different values.
809373 A 102 error, "Incorrect syntax near '@'", will be raised in a SQLScript database when executing a batch statement containing a DECLARE statement in a DO...BEGIN...END construct and the statement cache is enabled.
809381 In rare circumstances when REORG REBUILD is terminated using Ctrl-C, sp_help on the table undergoing REORG REBUILD returns error 17461, incorrectly indicating that object does not exist in the database.
809392 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'apl__startscan' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'imrslogrec_redo_log' and 'lddb_main', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when LOAD DATABASE is run for a database dump that contains IMRS data.
809395 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 's_execclearvar' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'tdsrecv__process_batchparam' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a DML on a table that has a DECIMAL column with high precision defined such as DECIMAL(38,1). See KBA 2412709.
809418 KBA 2546117. Adaptive Sever may report SIGNAL 11 (SEGV) along with a stack involving modules like 'imrs_oldest_stmt_ts', if ALTER DATABASE < dbname > ROW STORAGE OFF is followed by DBCC DBTABLE < dbname > on a IMRS enabled database.
809422 A 590 error, "Dynamic SQL error - Prepared statement < ssql_id > does not exist", followed by a 709 error, "Memory request for < value > bytes exceeds the size of single page of < pagesize > bytes" or a 724 error, "Internal Error: Function 'memalloc' was passed an illegal size value < value > ", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing a prepared statement with Derived Table UDF and the statement cache is enabled.
809449 Creating a SQLScript database succeeds unexpectedly on Windows platform. SQLScript database is not officially supported yet on Windows platform.
809456 A 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page < page# > in database < dbid > ", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running DBCC CHECKTABLE on a Data Only Locked table following an impolite SAP ASE shutdown while rows were packed in an IMRS database.
809476 A SELECT FOR UPDATE query, executing on an In-memory MVCC table and selecting a column which is part of an index of the table, may get unexpected output.
809498 A 605 error, "An attempt was made to fetch logical page < page_num > from cache < cache_name > . Page belongs to database < db_name > ( < db_id > ), object < object_name > ( < object_id > ), index < index_name > ( < index_id > ), partition < partition_name > ( < partition_id > ) and not to database < db_name > ( < db_id > ), object < object_name > ( < object_id > ), index < index_name > ( < index_id > ), partition < partition_name > ( < partition_id > ) or a 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page < page_num > was read while accessing database < db_name > ( < db_id > ), object < object_name > ( < object_id > ), index < index_name > ( < index_id > ), partition < partition_name > ( < partition_id > ). Please contact SAP Technical Support." may be reported when user is inserting a data from source table to target table using SELECT INTO command and parallely trying to fetch the data from target table at isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED.
809524 When an IN subquery contains a reference to a table-valued UDF and there is no correlating column, the subquery may be erroneously flattened (converted into a join) resulting in a segmentation violation session termination.
809611 The 728 error, "Allocation of size %d bytes from the row storage cache, '%.*s', failed as there is not enough memory available in the cache. Please increase the cache size. Memory allocator information = 0x%x.", may be reported for row storage if the transaction is idle for a long duration.
809613 A 247 error, "Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of BIGINT value '2147485186' to a INT field.", may be reported when the PAGEINFO built-in is run with the options 'page number', 'next page' or 'previous page'.
809624 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'apl__startscan' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'imrslogrec_redo_log' and 'lddb_main', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when LOAD DATABASE is run for a database dump that contains IMRS data and stream replication is enabled.
809638 Sometimes, an SAP ASE spid hangs in the module 'prepprev' after rollback due to error 2601 (duplicate key error).
809663 On IBM AIX platforms, the sp_add_resource_limit...idle_time parameter does not work with the resource governor.
809669 In rare circumstances, the message, "Invalid column length: < value > . Value must be between 0 and < offset > at offset < offset_value > for 'data-only' row with minimum row length of < min_value > ", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'hkgc__processindexpg' and 'imrs_mvcc_is_ridstale' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the housekeeper process runs Garbage Collection on an MVCC enabled table.
809672 In an SAP ASE HADR environment, under situations when the SAP ASE server is listening on multiple ports, then an HADR aware client may fail to receive the HADR map of the configuration from the server.
809718 When "set forceplan on" is enabled, the internally generated abstract plan may lead to very inefficient plan to satisfy the forceplan for the queries which involved min/max operations. See KBA 2364881
809751 A 18004 message, "Audit option 'sproc' is ambiguous", may be reported when executing sp_displayaudit 'global', 'sproc' after upgrading to a SAP ASE 16.0 version from a version prior to 16.0
809777 A 624 error, "Adaptive Server failed to retrieve a row via its RID in database ' < dbname > ' because the requested RID has a higher number than the last RID on the page ...", may be reported when DBCC LOG( < dbid > , -1, < partition_first_page > , 0, < number_of_log_records > , -3) is run and the database has an empty IMRSLOGS.
809794 A 6807 error, "Initialization of the cache, ' < cache name > ', failed due to insufficient memory available to allocate < cache size > bytes. Increase the value of 'max memory' configuration parameter and retry." can occur during reboot if the system is downgraded from SP03 PL01 or SP03 PL02 to SP03 GA.
809799 A 515 error, "Attempt to insert NULL value into column < column_name > , table < table_name > ; column does not allow nulls. Update fails.", may be reported when executing sp_cacheconfig after an IMDB cache which is bound to a device or database is deleted.
809804 On rare occasions when the first transaction in SYSIMRSLOG, that spans across multiple pages, is not flushed, recovery may erroneously consider SYSIMRSLOGS to be empty and not recover any transactions.
809831 In an HADR environment, the message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'ra__health_check' followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'rep_drain_log', 'hadr__drain' and 'hadr__deactivate' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when one of the Rep Agent Threads terminates during the deactivation of the primary ASE. See KBA 2546075.
809840 KBA 2539590. The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'ra__health_check' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'rep_drain_log' and 'hadr_admin', may be reported in the SAP error log if streaming replication is enabled when SP_STOP_REP_AGENT is executed while user tasks access RepAgent metadata in parallel.
809880 Using streaming replication in synchronous mode together with multi-database transactions, it is possible that data is no longer replicated and the task executing the transaction sleeps until another task executes a single-database transaction in the same database.
809966 JDBC application may encounter connection dead exception, login failed or hang while connecting to an SSL enabled server.
809999 Executing sp_configure with no parameter may result in the error, "No matching configuration options. Here is a listing of groups:" while printing out group information.
810067 Binary data may get truncated in SELECT UNION ALL queries executed against proxy tables.
810098 Attempt to delete a row storage cache bound to a database may inadvertently change the cache replacement policy of the cache while failing with error 16763, "sp_cacheconfig failed since the cache ' < cache_name > ' is in use as ROW STORAGE cache by database ' < dbname > '."
810132 The 814 error, "Keep count of buffer ' < buffer addr > ' in cache ' < cache name > ' holding logical page ' < pageno > ' in database ' < database name' has become negative" followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'dam__destroy' may be displayed when creating a database, if the option 'allow incremental dumps' is enabled in the model database.
810161 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module ‘imrs_odmvcc_pack_au’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘pg__objdeall_process_alloc’ and ‘pg_ptndeall’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log instead of a 4341 error, "Cannot load the database 'db_name' because the row storage cache doesn't exist. Please, create a row storage cache with at least 'row_storage_size' and retry the command", when an ODMVCC database dump is loaded on to a NON-ODMVCC database. See KBA 2533988.
810179 In rare circumstances on a heavily-loaded multi-engine system, a 1265 error, "An illegal attempt was made to release an invalid lock or a lock that is not owned by the process family the message.", followed by the message "current process infected with 11" together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'dbinfoget_exst' and 'dmpx__finishdump' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DUMP TRANSACTION command execution gets into a deadlock.
810188 A 12323 error, "Internal error occured during rebuild of index id < index id > of table < object id > (id = < id > ) in database < database id > while processing page < page id > . Run dbcc checktable to see if the index is consistent." may occur when executing REORG REBUILD on a Latch Free Btree index.
810248 An uncommitted transaction on sysconfigures will cause 'shutdown with nowait' to hang. The shutdown can be completed if the transaction is committed or aborted.
810279 When Rep Agent is configured for stream replication and the connection to Replication Server is lost, immediately after reconnecting, it may terminate with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra_ci_scanner_thread' and 'ra__ci_flush_CI_stream' reported in the SAP ASE error log.
810282 In rare circumstances, Rep Agent may fail to start with the message, "Current process infected with 11" together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra__init_qa_hooks' and 'actx_set' reported in the SAP ASE error log. See KBA 2329207.
810357 The 6924 error, "The chain of database fragments used by the Sysimrslogs table seems corrupted. A scan of the table would result in an infinite loop. The command will be aborted. Please contact SAP Technical Support." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log at the beginning of a database recovery. The recovery progress will show a negative number of pages to be processed. This doesn't affect recovery.
810384 JDBC based applications may fail with the exception, "com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybSQLException: Stored procedure 'sp_drv_getchainedtransaction' not found". See KBA 2525896.
810405 With replication on, error message 632, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of < wrong_val > . Maximum allowed length is 16384.", may be raised while trying to decrypt any encrypted column of table when set encryption password was set for that column and not for encryption key with which column is encrypted.
810440 Within a SQL UDF (scalar or Table-Valued), nested SQL operations that open database objects may fail with error number 622, erroneously claiming that there is a conflict with objects open in the enclosing SQL UDF.
810462 An invalid TDS error might be observed while running builtin index_col on global temporary table created with index compression set to on.
810488 The message, "Command has been aborted”, may be reported when closing or deallocating an insensitive cursor. See KBA 2528002.
810615 Under rare circumstances, connections to SAP ASE configured with SSL may hang during login handshake, eventually resulting in timeout.
810947 In a single engine SAP ASE setup, two sessions may wait for each other while flushing log records from their Private Log Cache to the transaction log, when they run at a different priority.
811238 32-bit Backup Server fails to boot with the error, "Open Server Error: srv__e3_create_encrypt3_context: Unexpected failure in comn_keypair_create.", reported in the Backup Server error log.




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SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


CR, CR List, ASE 16.0 SP03 PL02, ASE SP03 PL02, SP03 PL02, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug

The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 PL08. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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