When you call BEx Broadcaster from Query Designer, Web Application Desginer, BEx Analyzer or Enterprise report, nothing happens. Portal is not calling.
Also, there is a variation of the issue. Instead of nothing happens, you could experience this error:
This message error also appears when you try to Execute the Query Via Query Desginer
Business Explorer for SAPGUI
Netweaver 2004s or higher
Prerequisites for using BEx Broadcaster, empty, nothing happens broadcast, make sure you typed the name correctly, and the try again, Windows cannot find , KBA , BW-BEX-ET-BC , Broadcasting , BW-BEX-ET-WJR , BEx Web Java Runtime , BW-BEX-ET-QDEF , Queries (Definition and Modification) , BW-BEX-ET-BC-EP , Portalintegration, Export to the Portal , How To
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