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2509096 - Execution of command Start SUMJAVA failed with errorcode -1 when launching SUM


  • You run SUM start command STARTUP confighostagent jvm6
  • When you put the address in the browser you get an error similar to below one:
Operation [id=0019BBCEE7161ED79CA1DDECF90F8F1E] terminated with errors : 127 ()
  • dev_saphostexec logs errors similar to below one:

[Thr 9496] *** WARNING => Another version of the OS Collector was found. Try to terminate it. [OsCollectorW 45]
[Thr 9588] *** ERROR => CommandManager::Initialize: OpenProcess failed (5) [CommandManag 441]
[Thr 9496] SAPHostExec started

[Thr 9496] Tue Jul 25 11:57:43 2017
[Thr 9496] *** ERROR => LoadProfile: NetUserGetInfo: access denied (rc = 5
) [CommandImpln 1181]
[Thr 9496] *** ERROR => UnLoadUserProfile: The handle is invalid. [CommandImpln 1070]
[Thr 9496] *** ERROR => CommandImplnt::Execute: Failed to load profile for user <FORHOMES>\<soladm> [CommandImpln 304]
[Thr 9496] *** ERROR => NtCreateProcess: Ensure that the "Replace a process level token" user right is assigned. CreateProcessAsUser(NULL, <I:\sum\SUM\sdt\exe\SLProtocol.bat "confighostagent" "jvm6">): A required privilege is not held by the client. [CommandImpln 1575]
[Thr 9496] *** ERROR => CommandImplnt::Execute: NtCreateProcess failed [CommandImpln 409]

  • sapstartsrv.log writes erros similar to below one:

[Thr 7292] HTTPHandlerManager : HTTP Handler found for /lmsl/sumjava/SOL/index.html
[Thr 7292] *** ERROR => soap_check_permission authentication: ( , ExecutOperation ) FAILED [DefaultOpera 163]

[Thr 9780] Tue Jul 25 11:57:42 2017
[Thr 9780] HTTPHandlerManager : HTTP Handler found for /lmsl/sumjava/SOL/index.html
[Thr 9780] *** ERROR => SLPProxyHandlerFactory::ConnectContext called but ctx->operationID is NULL [SLPProxyHand 502]
[Thr 9780] Operation sumjava successfully started with ID 0019BBCEE7161ED79CA1DDECF90F8F1E

[Thr 10008] Tue Jul 25 11:57:43 2017
[Thr 10008] *** ERROR => Failed to start command I:\sum\SUM\sdt\exe\SLProtocol.bat [OperationCom 630]
[Thr 10008] *** ERROR => OperationCommand::Execute(): StartCommand failed [OperationCom 201]
[Thr 10008] *** ERROR => Operation::ExecuteNextCommand(): Execution of command Start SUMJAVA failed
with errorcode -1 [Operation.cp 365]
[Thr 10008] *** ERROR => Operation Worker Thread[id=0019BBCEE7161ED79CA1DDECF90F8F1E]: Command execution failed [Operation.cp 493]
[Thr 9780] OperationResults: ResultValue = 127



  • Windows operating system
  • SUM Java
  • SUM Dual Stack


SUM, Software Update Manager, Upgrade, Update, Solution Manager, 7.1, 7.2 , KBA , BC-CCM-HAG , Host Agent , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem

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