The "maximum number of eDocuments in a List" is not reached, and the system displays a higher number of lists successfully created per eDocument type:
ES_SII_IIV SII (Incoming Invoice),
ES_SII_OIV SII (Outgoing Invoice),
or ES_SII_OPY SII (Outgoing Payment VoC).
SAP ECC 6 EhP 0 (SAP Netweaver 700)
S/4HANA 1511
more than one list, separated lists, two SII Lists without reason, EDOC_ESSII_NUMBER_OF_LIST, ESSII_EDOCLIST, RPFIES_SII_EDOCLIST, ES_SII_IIV SII Incoming Invoice, ES_SII_OIV SII Outgoing Invoice, ES_SII_OPY SII Outgoing Payment VoC, CL_EDOCUMENT_ES_SII_SPLIT, method PREPARE_BUNDLE_SPLITSuministro Inmediato de Información, Immediate Supply of Information, SII, Spain, Spanish, localized solution, localization, country specific, ID-FI-ES, SAP for Me. Real Decreto 596/2016, de 2 de diciembre, EDOC_COCKPIT, e-doc cockpit, GLO-EDO-ES-SII, CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-ES , KBA , XX-CSC-ES-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-ES , XX-CSC-ES , Spain , CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-ES , Spain , Problem
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