You fail to activate ENVIRONMENTSHELL due to the errors
Imported file for entity Environment info, ID:ENVIRONMENTSHELL
Object TIME in environment (ENVIRONMENTSHELL) is being edited. Please try again later
Failed to import entity Dimension, ID:TIME
Rolled back entity Dimension, ID:TIME
Object R_ACCOUNT in environment (ENVIRONMENTSHELL) is being edited. Please try again later
Failed to import entity Dimension, ID:R_ACCOUNT
Rolled back entity Dimension, ID:R_ACCOUNT
Object PRODUCT in environment (ENVIRONMENTSHELL) is being edited. Please try again later
Failed to import entity Dimension, ID:PRODUCT
Rolled back entity Dimension, ID:PRODUCT
Object R_ENTITY in environment (ENVIRONMENTSHELL) is being edited. Please try again later
Failed to import entity Dimension, ID:R_ENTITY
Rolled back entity Dimension, ID:R_ENTITY
Object FLOW in environment (ENVIRONMENTSHELL) is being edited. Please try again later
Failed to import entity Dimension, ID:FLOW
Rolled back entity Dimension, ID:FLOW
Failed to get dependent entity Dimension, ID:R_ACCOUNT for entity ADIM, ID:ACCOUNT
Object SCOPE in environment (ENVIRONMENTSHELL) is being edited. Please try again later
Failed to import entity Dimension, ID:SCOPE
Rolled back entity Dimension, ID:SCOPE
- SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for SAP NetWeaver
- SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver
BPC, environment, ENVIRONMENTSHELL, UJS_ACTIVATE_CONTENT, Failed to import entity Dimension , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , Problem
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