When refreshing the offline store on the mobile device you get an 302 error message.
You need to restart the application to be able to sync again.
This issue does not always appear.
Most often then not, you get the sync completed without issues.
Onn initial checking of the logs on both device and on SCP you cannot find any indication of the origin of the issue.
Failed to open offline store: "-10204 Communication with the server failed with status code: 302"
- SMP 3.0 SDK SP15 PL01
- HAT 1.28.2
- iOS version 10.3.2
- backend is an on premise ODATA Gateway service
10204 Communication with the server failed with status code: 302, refresh, offline, store , KBA , MOB-ONP-OOD , SAP Mobile On Premise Offline OData Server , Problem
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