- Lumira documents are missing in BI Launchpad (BILP) after a full installation of Lumira Server
- SAP Lumira may also be missing in BI Launchpad, unable to start the Lumira application
- Following errors are seen in setupengine.log for the Lumira Installation:
CmdLine: "[INSTALLDIR]SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\scripts\deployfiles.bat" -deploydir "[InstallDir]setup/packagestemp" -autodelete -username [CMSUSERNAME] -password "[CMSPASSWORD]" -authentication [CMSAUTHENTICATION] -usetempcms -fallbackcms [MasterCmsName]:[MasterCmsPort]
ERROR: Could not reach CMS '<HOST>:6400'. Specify the correct host and port and check for network issues. (FWM 20030)
CmdLine: "[INSTALLDIR]SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\scripts\addnode.bat" -autoupdate -username [CMSUsername] -password "[CMSPassword]" -authentication [CMSAuthentication] -usetempcms -fallbackcms [MasterCmsName]:[MasterCmsPort] -locale [SetupUILanguage]
ERROR: Could not reach CMS '<HOST>:6400'. The CMS on machine '<HOST>' was stopped due to a critical error.
The root server reported an error Initialization Failure. (Reason: An unexpected problem (exception) happened. Reason given: The port number specified for the server is already in use. (FWB 00092), The server has problems using TCP/IP. The port number you are using is probably already in use..
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x (BI 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.2)
- Windows
- Linux / Unix
- SAP Lumira Server for Business Intelligence Platform (LS4BIP) 1.31.x
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 ; SAP Lumira 1.0, server version for the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform
unable to see, unavailable, gone, absent , KBA , BI-LUM-SRV-BIP , SAP Lumira Server for BI Platform , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , Problem
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