When executing a long or complex task or process design, you encounter a problem before the job truly begins processing.
In the CPI-DS task history, you can see one of the following:
- IMP-100 error after running a task or process
- Job status is "Sending task to execution queue..."
In the current DSOnPremiseAgent_... log, you can see the following around the time of the job failing to start:
- INFO: Fetch request, url:https://<Your system URL> is ok
- INFO: Added request to the JES queue, request id:<...>
- INFO: Create job execution thread for run id: <...>
- INFO: Processing Job request <...>
- INFO: Starting to import job, for run id: <...>
SAP Cloud Platform Integration for data services
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
null, fail, blank, freeze, CPI, HCI, Error, import ATL, invoke, method, java.lang.String.length(), null object , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem
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