The Following are generic queries related to ByD HCM – Web Services and Integration.
SAP Business ByDesign
1. What is the workcenter in SAP Business ByDesign with the information about Integration?
You will access it via Master Data Replication WoC.
2. Can you make changes in the Personnel Administration Workcenter in ByDesign when you are using a integrated system?
No, the workcenter Personnel Administration is visible, but not editable. The data is editable only in the ECC system.
3. Is it possible to change data of the Biographical Data in Master Data Replication > Employee > Employee Details?
Yes, you can Edit the Biographical Data of an Employee via SAP Business ByDesign.
4. Is it possible to change data of Organizational Data in Master Data Replication > Employee > Organizational Data?
No, you cannot edit Organizational Data via Master Data Replication.
5. Is it possible to map existing Employees/Users in SAP Bydesign and SuccessFactor?
This scenario is currently not supported, hence the mapping of existing employees is not possible. For further details please check the case document 2530553 - SAP BYD SF Integration Pre-requisites.
6. Does the Holiday calendar replicate from ECC to ByDesign?
No, you have to maintain the information related to Holiday Calendar in both systems.
7. What is the preconditions to have a Integration Between SuccessFactors and SAP Business ByDesign?
- One Employee Central tenant is connected to one Business ByDesign tenant as the only source of employee replication.
- ByD HCM application does not contain any (legacy) employee master data. A migration of those to the EC landscape is not supported.
- All employees are maintained in Employee Central. No mixed scenarios like maintaining the employee data for one company in EC and for another one in ByD are supported.
- If the PDI enhancements are used to also replicate service agents, no service agents may be maintained in ByD. This has to be ensured by means of the ByD authorization concept.
8. You have a requirement to scope the integration between Success Factors and SAP Business ByDesign but during finalize step, system throws below error message:
System does not allow to finalize the scoping changes due to an error:
Currently unable to finalize these scope changes; some of your decisions would cause inconsistencies in your fine-tuning settings of the productive data
The actual cause for the error could be that you are trying to unscope Payroll and there are payroll data exists in the system.
Actually, the Employee Central cannot be used as ByD Payroll is in scope.This is not supported. You can unscope payroll once when there is no payroll data created in the system.
For further details please check the case document 2324055 - Unable to Scope the question.
9. You are creating a PSM request to create Employees via web service managepersonnelhiringin the response after successfully creating an employee you expect the response to contain an Employee ID. This Employee ID is necessary for the update in the chain of managing employees with manageemployeeIn in the next step for Query purpose.
According to the standard system behavior we do not get the Employee ID in the response, instead an UUID is generated in the response which is nothing but the UUID for the employee. You can provide the above UUID to find the employee ID / Info in BO. But, there is no Query by Identification with UUID so there is no way to identify the Employee Id here. Therefore, we request you to kindly add up your idea in the below Influence Portal Influence Opportunity Homepage - Customer Influence (
10. In PSM request is there any possibility of changing a Hire Date or Termination Date without having to actually terminate and rehire an employee to avoid unnecessary work agreements that would have a direct impact on the business analytics via web service.
No there is such possibility to change the Hire Date or Termination date. Therefore, we request you to kindly add up your idea in the below Influence Portal Influence Opportunity Homepage - Customer Influence (
11. You want to change or update the Agreed Working Hour Rate of an Employee through web services.
When you get into your Cloud Studio of BYD system, navigate to Business Object HCF_WORKAGREEMENT ES NAME: WorkAgreement. This web services can help you in updating the working hour rate of an employee.
See Also
Human Capital Management, HCM Integration, HCM FAQ, Human Capital Management Integration , KBA , AP-HMD-RPL , HCM-Master Data Replication , How To