The consolidation task is interrupted randomly. The following error message is logged on the ctServer logs :
08-08-17 12:44:28 PID=4672 THD=10056 USR=9603290 MSG=0 INFO journalentry - OnBeforeCreateObjects - Begin
08-08-17 12:44:28 PID=4672 THD=10056 USR=9603290 MSG=0 INFO journalentry - Saving central entry {A - 2017.07 - 2LBGCONSOL - N°142}
08-08-17 12:44:29 PID=4672 THD=10056 USR=9603290 MSG=10027 ERROR system.database - [SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB32 DLL][HDBODBC32] Integrity constraint violation;301 unique constraint violated: Table(CT_OBJECT_LOCK), Index(CT_OBJ_LCK_UNI_IDX)
08-08-17 12:44:29 PID=4672 THD=10056 USR=9603290 MSG=10027 ERROR system.database - [SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB32 DLL][HDBODBC32] Integrity constraint violation;301 unique constraint violated: Table(CT_OBJECT_LOCK), Index(CT_OBJ_LCK_UNI_IDX)
08-08-17 12:44:29 PID=4672 THD=10056 USR=9603290 MSG=10017 ERROR system.database.command.dml - Failed to run database query: 'INSERT INTO ct_object_lock (manager_id, object_id, locking_mode, locking_date, process_id, session_certificate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'.
08-08-17 12:44:29 PID=4672 THD=10056 USR=9603290 MSG=10017 ERROR system.database.command.dml - Failed to run database query: 'INSERT INTO ct_object_lock (manager_id, object_id, locking_mode, locking_date, process_id, session_certificate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'.
08-08-17 12:44:29 PID=4672 THD=10056 USR=9603290 MSG=10017 ERROR system.database.command.dml - Failed to run database query: 'INSERT INTO ct_object_lock (manager_id, object_id, locking_mode, locking_date, process_id, session_certificate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'.
08-08-17 12:44:29 PID=4672 THD=10056 USR=9603290 MSG=10026 ERROR data.concurrency - The object '-2147477148' of type 'PRECONSENTRY' has already been locked by user 9603290.
- SAP Financial Consolidation (FC) 10.1
finance , tâche , interrompue , doublon , KBA , EPM-BFC-PRO , Consolidations,Scopes,Rules,Transfers , Problem
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