SUM (SAP Software Upgrade Manager) stopping with the following errors in the following three SUM log files:
2EETW000 SQL error -313 occured: SQL0313N The number of variables in the EXECUTE statement, the number of variables in the OPEN statement, or the number of arguments in an OPEN statement for a parameterized cursor is not equal to the number of values required. SQLSTATE=07001
2EETW000 sap_dext called with msgnr "900":
2EETW125 SQL error "-313" during "-313" access: "SQL0313N The number of variables in the EXECUTE statement, the number of variables in the OPEN statement, or the number of arguments in an OPEN statement for a parameterized cursor is not equal to the number of values required. SQLSTATE=07001" - PHASES.LOG
3 ETQ121 20170726152525: PID 6836 execute '<SAP DIR>\DVEBMGS04\exe\tp "pf=~\var\TABIMUPG.TPP" put EOQ "-Dmainimp_proc=2" "-Dparallel=3"' in background, output written to '--SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO'.
3WETQ123 20170726152555: PID 6836 exited with status 12 (time 0.00 real)
1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log\SAPIE60099.EOQ' from offset 10119980 to 10819035 for errors.
4EETQ399 Some errors found during the log scan!
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20170726152556
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Detected 1 aborted activities in 'TABIMUPG.ELG'
1EETQ399XCalling '<SAP DIR>\DVEBMGS04\exe/tp' failed with return code 12, check
1EETQ399X --SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO for details
1EETQ203 Upgrade phase "TABIM_UPG" aborted with errors ("20170726152556") - SAPIE60099.EOQ
4 ETW000 ================== STEP 1 =====================
4 ETW000 date&time : 26.07.2017 - 15:25:40
4 ETW000 function : IMPORT
4 ETW000 data file : --SUM\abap\data\RE60099.SAP.reduced
. . .
4 ETW000 successfully set a temporary lock on table T52D4
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Wed Jul 26 15:25:47 2017
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] *** ERROR in DB6Open[dbdb6.c, 3828] CON = 0 (BEGIN)
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+ dsql_db6_open( SQLExecute ): [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT64] SQL0313N The number of variables in the EXECUTE statemen
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+ t, the number of variables in the OPEN statement, or the number of arguments in an OPEN statement for a parameteri
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+ zed cursor is not equal to the number of values required. SQLSTATE=07001
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+ cursor type=NO_HOLD, isolation=UR, cc_release=YES, optlevel=5, degree=1, op_type=18, read_only=0
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+ Input SQLDA:
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+ 1 CT=WCHAR T=VARCHAR L=2 P=3 S=0
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+ Input data:
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+ row 1: 1 WCHAR I=2 "A"
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] &+
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] *** ERROR in DB6Open[dbdb6.c, 3828] (END)
4 ETW000 [ dbds ,00000] ***LOG BY2=>sql error -313 performing OPC
4 ETW000 [ dbds ,00000] ***LOG BY0=>SQL0313N The number of variables in the EXECUTE statement, the number of variables in the OPEN statement, or the number of arguments in an OPEN statement for a parameterized cursor is not equal to the number of values required. SQLSTATE=07001
R3trans.exe version 6.24 (release 722 - 18.01.17 - 20:17:01)
TABIM UPG SAPup ECO EXECUTING sap EOQ DVEBMGS exe tp EXE pf SUM abap var TABIMUPG TPP mainimp_proc parallel usr sap Looking for effective putsteps ready looking unicode enabled version child process terminated setting rc this import portion SQL error -313 occured SQL0313N The number of variables in the EXECUTE statement the number of variables in the OPEN statement or the number of arguments in an OPEN statement for a parameterized cursor is not equal to the number of values required SQLSTATE 07001 sap_dext called with msgnr 900 during access R3trans R3trans.exe finished (0012) PHASES LOG PHASES.LOG log SAPup.ECO Scanned file SAPIE60099.EOQ Last error code set is Detected 1 aborted activities in TABIMUPG.ELG Upgrade phase errors data file RE60099.SAP.reduced ERROR in DB6Open dbdb6.c dsql_db6_open SQLExecute IBM CLI Driver DB2 NT64 sql performing OPC missing return code handler caller does not handle code 256 from dbdsqln#1[377] calling to abort transaction
DB6 DB2 LUW SUM MAIN_NEWBAS TABIM_UPG , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem
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