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2511463 - Error when deploying a WebDynpro Java application: Cannot deploy two applications with identical application aliases


When trying to deploy a WebDynpro Java application into an AS Java from NWDI, the deployment fails.


The following error is seen in the deploy log on NWDI:

20170724112240 Info   :Jul 24, 2017 11:22:34 AM [Path  ]:Starting deployment.[ deployerId=32 ]
20170724112240 Info   :Jul 24, 2017 11:22:40 AM [Error ]:Exception occurred during deployment phase - P4BaseRuntimeException,
20170724112240 Info   :cause: Unexpected exception.
20170724112240 Info   :Jul 24, 2017 11:22:40 AM [Path  ]:+++++ End  D E P L O Y action +++++[ deployerId=32 ]. Total time:[#195: 7.682 sec]
20170724112240 Info   :end of log
20170724112240 Info   :RC of deployment: 12
20170724112240 Info   :Step SDM-deploy ended with result 'fatal error' ,stopping execution at 2017-07-24 11:22:40.0196 -4:00

The deploy log in the runtime system (deploy.X.trc or deploy.X.log inside the work/ directory, or defaultTrace file) shows the following error:

Caused by: Cannot deploy two applications with identical application aliases (context roots).
Your application [name] defines an application alias (context root) [alias] that is already in use by application [name].
There are two possibilities in order to proceed with deployment: 1) Define different application alias (context root) for your application [name] (this is the preferred option). 2) Undeploy the application [name].



SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java


SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3


KBA , BC-JAS-DPL , Deployment , BC-WD-JAV , WebDynpro Java , Problem

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