You have defined the Real-Time Consolidation (RTC) model in an SAP S/4HANA system and performed relevant tasks to integrate the SAP S/4HANA model with SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) (embedded model). You expect that the system should read transaction data and master data from the RTC model and run the currency translation (CT) or consolidation process in the BPC embedded model.
This article serves as a checkpoint and includes a summary of critical steps from the RTC help documentation, as well as troubleshooting suggestions for the BPC integration and configuration processes in RTC
In case all checkpoints are met, and errors still persist or there is no data posted in the consolidation journal (table ACDOCC), please submit a SAP support case using the following components:
- BW-PLA-BPC (if its is related to BPC embedded model set up)
- FIN-RTC (if it is related to the RTC set up or Fiori Apps for Consolidation Specialist set up)
- EP-OD-FCE (Fiori Cloud Portal and Launchpad)
- XX-FIO-OPR (Fiori Cloud Operations)
- BC-UPG-DTM-TLA(Upgrade topics)
Necessary information for SAP product support and development:
- Parameters to run currency translation or consolidation in BPC (category, group, time etc.)
- Technical name of the RTC model
- Technical name of the BPC Consolidation environment
- Technical name of the BPC Consolidation model
- Consolidation document
- Expected results
- Actual results
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver (Embedded model)
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP S/4HANA 1610
- SAP S/4HANA 1709
- SAP S/4HANA 1809
- SAP S/4HANA 2020
- SAP S/4HANA 2021
RTC, no data, trouble shooting guide, BW Modeling from VP to CP to AL, virtual IOBJ/ INFOPROVIDER, BPC, master data, consolidation journal (table ACDOCC
). RC,CL_RTC_ACDOCC_IPROV_WRITABLE-> IF_RSDRV_RPROV_WRITABLE~WRITE_DATA,BPC_TASK_SEQ_TEST, R_FCOM_HIER_BUFFER_DEL, BW hierarchies of InfoObjects with prefix /ERP/ ,HANA views ,the posting API, RTCJD, RTCDL, G_NONE and GROUP level before running the consolidation elimination., ACDOCA and ACDOCC, /ERP/RTC, RTC_CT_METHOD_MIGRATION,SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation,Real-time Consolidation, RTCDSR, Data submit request, obsolete T-codes,RTC, Real-Time Consolidation, Validation Rule, Validation Method,Real-Time Consolidation, FIN-RTC, SAP S/4HANA, BPC embedded model,FIORI, SAP Fiori Cloud, SAP Cloud Platform, Update, Patch, S/4HANA 1709, Frontend Server,FIORI, Design, UI, APP, SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1709,Real-time consolidation, RTC, data release monitor, FIN_CONS_DM,RTC_JOURNA, ACDOCC, RTC_DRR, consolidation journal, data release request, data archiving, real-time consolidation, RTC, archiving object Change document types , KBA , fiori , sap s/4hana 1709 , real-time consolidation , acdocc , rtc, no data, trouble shooting guide, , bw hierarchies of infoobjects , bpc , rtc , FIN-RTC , Real-Time Consolidation , BW-PLA-BPC-TDL , Consolidation , How To
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