The following Guided Answers decision tree will assist you with issues regarding to AET.
Issues investigated in this decision tree are:
- "Create Field" or "Create Table" button is invisible/disabled
- "Tables" assignment block is not visible after clicking "Display Enhancement" button
- "Field enhancement for place &1 is not possible due to database limit" (AXT_MODEL030) or "maximum db size exceeded remove fields or reduce their length" error when trying to add a new field/new table via AET
- It is not possible to change the datatype or the length of a field
- Options missing in the Search-Relevance dropdown list for AET field
- Search relevant can't be set for fields in AET table
- CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR error occurs while creating a AET field
- Error "No BI client specified in system customizing" occurs while generating an enhancement
- Error "Failed to generate BWA data source field" occurs while generating an enhancement
- An enhancement works in development system but not in test or production system
- Enhancement fields show <DELETED FIELD>
- Performance is bad when starting the enhanced application
- BSP error CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR occurs when performing actions on an AET table
- BSP error "Database returned the SQL code 918 . Error text: ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined" occurs
- Value in the AET search field is getting corrupted and replaced by "AAC00000000000000000000000000000" and no search result is found
- SAP Customer Relationship Management 7.0
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM 7.0
SAP Customer Relationship Management 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM all versions
Application Enhancement Tool, , KBA , CA-GTF-EEW-AET , Application Enhancement Tool , CA-WUI-UI , User Interface , CRM-BF-EEW , Easy Enhancement Workbench , Problem
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