You have several payment orders within one month. You entered data into parameters T712, T712_TDATE and T712_TDOC for Group of Params for reporting organization in VC_T7RU9A_GROUPS (IMG: Enter Groups and Parameters for Organization).
You run report HRUL4FSS:
- the amounts for each month in the generated XML are incorrectly displayed in the fields T7R31C1, T7R30C1, T7R29C1 or in the field PAYM_ORDER SUM for corresponding month
- the amounts for each month in PDF form are incorrectly displayed in table 2 fields T712, T712M, T712M, T712S. Section Paid insurance premiums for last three months of the reporting period (Date, number of payment order)
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP ERP 6.0 and higher
- Reporting
HR_RU_4FSS_10, за последние три месяца отчетного периода (дата, № платежного поручения), страховые взносы , KBA , PY-RU , Russia , PA-PA-RU , Russia , How To
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