During an upgrade in Software Update Manager (SUM), the following error can be seen in phase PREP_INPUT/HA_SYSTEM_CHK:
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: get HA configuration (HAGetFailoverConfig).
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: featureCheck
1 ETQ399 SAPCONTROL MANAGER: getFeatureList with dumpfile: <upgrade directory>/SUM/abap/log/SAPCONTROL_FEATURE.OUT
3 ETQ120 <time stamp>: PID 24440 execute '/usr/sap/<sid>/DVEBMGSXX/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -host <hostname> -nr 00', output written to '<upgrade directory>/SUM/abap/log/SAPCONTROL_FEATURE.OUT'.
3WETQ122 <time stamp>: PID 24440 exited with status 1 (time: 0.0/ 0.0/ 0.0/67MB real/usr/sys/maxmem)
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: sapcontrol feature HAGetFailoverConfig is available.
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: Instance list contains type: CI_NO|DIAG_YES.
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: Instance list contains type: CI_YES.
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: Instance list contains type: CI_NO|ASCS|DIAG_NO.
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: instance found.
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: Instance list contains type: CI_NO|ASCS|DIAG_NO.
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: instance found.
1EETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: duplicate type 'ASCS' found at instance list.
1EETQ399 Last error code set is:
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "HA_SYSTEM_CHK" aborted with severe errors ("<time stamp>")
- Error 2:
SAPup broke during phase INSTANCELIST_INIT in module PREP_PRE_CHECK / Checks the system status
Error Message: Last error code set:
SYSTEM MANAGER: duplicate type 'CI_YES' found at instance list.
- SAP Netweaver
- Software Update Manager (SUM)
SAP NetWeaver 7.5
HA_SYSTEM_CHK, duplicate, ASCS, HAGetFailoverConfig, PREP_PRE_CHECK, CHECKSYSSTATUS , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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