SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2515030 - Recruiting to ERP Integration - User id cannot be updated


"User ID cannot be updated; candidate template Id not customized" error message is triggered when running RH_SFI_RECRUIT_PROCESS_APPL integration report which is used to hire candidates from SF Recruiting in SAP HCM.


  • Integration Add-On for SAP ERP HCM and SuccessFactors HCM Suite
  • Integration Scenario for Recruiting Data

Reproducing the Issue

  2. Select an imported employee
  3. After processing employee's action in PA40, the error will be triggered


Incorrect Candidate template ID configuration in SAP ERP HCM.


Candidate Template ID must be configured in view table V_SFI_RCT_CND (SPRO path Personnel Management > Integration Add-On for SAP ERP HCM and SuccessFactors BizX > Integration Scenario for Recruiting Data > Transfer of Job Applications from SuccessFactors BizX to SAP ERP > Transfer User ID to SFSF After Accepting Candidate in SAP ERP > Enter ID of Candidate Template from SuccessFactors BizX)

According to SAP SPRO IMG activity:

"In the Key column, select the entry CND_TMP_ID and, in the Candidate Template ID column enter the ID of the template that you use in SuccessFactors BizX for the Candidate object. The ID has the structure Candidate$nnnn, where nnnn represents a four-digit*) number."

*) can also be < four-digits, for example = nnn.


CandidateID, Recruiting, UserID, template, error, HRSFI_RCT_HIRE, RH_SFI_RECRUIT_PROCESS_APPL, V_SFI_RCT_CND, Candidate$ , KBA , PA-SFI-TM , Integration with SuccessFactors BizX Talent Management , PA-SFI-TM-MW , Middleware for SFSF BizX Talent Management , Problem


integration add-on 1.0 for SAP ERP Human Capital Management and SuccessFactors HCM Suite ; integration add-on 2.0 for SAP ERP Human Capital Management and SuccessFactors HCM Suite ; integration add-on 3.0 for SAP ERP HCM and SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite