When manager is trying to approve the TimeOff workflow request from Stefan Enache. He is getting the below mentioned application error. fingerprint=dd0553706c2e3c9d84212e09543cf4e7d5efe664
- SuccessFactors
- Employee Central
- Time Off
Reproducing the Issue
Home - > proxy as Approver -> Click on the timeoff request from todo portlet -> Application error occurs and workflow doesn't load.
EmployeeTime object is secured but Role-based permission access is not provided to view it to the approvers.
And the workflow configuration for time-off has setting "Respect Permission" = Yes.
Either provide view permission to Employee Time object under "Miscellaneous Permission" category.
Set "Respect permission" = 'No', in the worklfow configuration of time type both in the approvers and CC Role in case approvers are in CC Roles too.
For example: in the below configuration Manager and Employee HR are present in both the Approver steps and CC Role.
Only if new leave requests are raised with workflow configuration not respecting RBP, and approver doesn't have view permission on EmployeeTime,
then the approver will be able to see the workflow and approve it.
The old leave requests where, workflow configuration was respecting RBP, and approver didn't had view permission on EmployeeTime,
then the approver won't be able to see the workflow and still get error. ( on such workflows where the configuration was respecting RBP when initialized.)
Therefore it is necessary to have employee time view permission, to be able to see the workflow of leave requests either provided via RBP or via exception from the workflow configuration (respect permission=No).
fingerprint=dd0553706c2e3c9d84212e09543cf4e7d5efe664, dd0553706c2e3c9d84212e09543cf4e7d5efe664, time off workflow error, ec, employee central, , KBA , employee central , time off , dd0553706c2e3c9d84212e09543cf4e7d5efe664 , unable to approve leave request workflow , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , LOD-SF-EC-WFL , Workflows - Configuration, Tools, Objects & Rules , LOD-SF-EC-RBP , Roles & Permissions (EC Core only) , Problem