Error occured when querying top job requisitions via OData API.
Recruiting Management
Reproducing the Issue
1. Query using the syntax below.$top=1
2. Error occured.
<error><code>COE_GENERAL_SERVER_FAILURE</code><message lang="en-US">:ODContext@###bad#f: cannot convert property JobRequisition.subVertical value to odata property value.expectd type is :string, but given value is: #####</message></error>
There is a field named subVertical that is set as a text string, but the value contains a number which causing this error. The subVertical field defined in Provisioning as a custom picklist for the job requisition templates which causing a conflict with the OData GET call.
Check if there is a subVertical field from any of the job requisition template. If none, delete the subVertical field from Provisioning since it is not found to job requisition templates, see below steps:
Provisioning > Configure Reportable Custom Fields > Job Req > Configure Custom to Extended Field Mapping > Picklist: subVertical
Once you removed the subVertical field, please run the same query and check if the error will still occur.
COE_GENERAL_SERVER_FAILURE, Job Requisition, OData API Call , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-API , Webservices & APIs , Problem