- Is it your first request for Data Services Extract?
- This article contains the Data Services scope and policies.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
- For first Data Services request, please see SAP SuccessFactors Learning Data Services >
- To implement your Data Services Extracts, it is mandatory to engage with SAP Professional Services team:
- Please contact your CSM/CEE or Sales representatives to that effect. Kindly refer to 2149831 - SAP Professional Services / SAP Certified Partner / SAP Account Management Team [SuccessFactors Cloud].
- Please note that SF Support will not be able to set up new data services extract.
Below are the scope of support for issues related to existing Data Services Extract (DSE):
Product Support
- Initiate Data Extract for Stage environment as needed.
- Analyze production Data extract issues reported for a specific file and engage Learning Engineering with the defect found.
- Errors in file or Data Extract is not successful for Production or delivered in normal schedule with Operations.
- Initiate Data Extract for Production only when an issue as per the above two points is found.
- Note: If there is no issue with the file (inaccuracies/delivery) but a consumption within your business process, an off-cycle production extract can be done at the discretion of SAP along with a valid business impact.
- Stage implementation issues as validated by Professional Services.
Professional Services
- Errors on the JOB on stage.
- Data issue on stage.
- Change of setup of Data services (ex.: Using a different Learning instance/URL).
- Request for off-cycle Full Production DSE.
To check what tables are included in each data service package:
- Follow the steps to download the latest available version of the dictionary in KB article 2326249 - Where to find SAP SuccessFactors Learning data dictionary >
- Download the zip file >
- In the zip file open the 'Data Services' Folder >
- Open the DSPackagedEntities_bXXXX.xlsx Excel file >
- Click the sheet of each package to see what tables are included.
Major Upgrade Data Services Changes:
When there is a major release, in the Learning Data Dictionary within the Data Services folder, there are changes to the database and hence the data services extract can also change.
If the action is "New" with "Available on request" as the notes:
- This is a new database table that was added and is possible to be extracted in the job. The new table will not be automatically added as part of the major upgrade. If you request for tables to be added, please raise a case for Support.
- When a new table is added by request, a full extract is provided.
If the action is "Add":
- New columns are being added to an existing table. If the tables are part of a package that is currently part of the extracts, the new columns will be at the very end of the extract for those tables. The new columns are automatically added as part of a major release upgrade.
If the action is "New" and is replacing an existing table:
- The existing table will still continue to be part of the extract when the major release occurs as it's not deleted. If the new table is required, please raise a case for Support.
- The old table will eventually be removed fully on later releases.
If the action is "Delete":
- If the delete action is occurring on a column, the column will stay but no more data will be provided in that column.
- If the delete action is for a table, it will be removed from the extract job completely. Prior notice will be provided on this action via release notes.
Note: Assistance with understanding the extract or updating your managed database due to changes is outside the scope of SAP Support.
From the product perspective, here are the policies that have always been in place for DSE since at least 2016:
- Once onboarded to Production and SAP Professional Services disengages from the project, the Preview extracts are generally disabled.
- You must engage SAP Professional Services (not IBSO) for the implementation and support of DSE on the preview environment.
- SAP SF supports the daily Production Environment extraction of all configured files from the point of DB extraction, file generation, file posting to SFTP for customer consumption.
- Please see above for the scope of Product Support.
- During a major release upgrade, SAP provides full feed files automatically from Preview tenants so customers can review any table or process changes before it rolls into production.
- If there is a need to continue managing DS extracts in Preview, engage Professional Services unless it’s regarding the 2 Annual Full file from Preview.
- For an occasional Full Feed from Production, SAP can do this on a case-by-case basis. A valid business case and SAP has to go through internal approvals.
See Also
SF, Success Factors, LMS, learning, DSE, data dump, database, file, key, delta, full feed, dictionary, tables, pa_, pv_, data services scope, policies , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-DSE , Data Service Extracts , LOD-SF-LMS-SER , Config. Consulting & Service Requests , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , How To