You want to maintain the Product Specification ID as numeric ID, for example: 123456. But system shows error:Cannot manually set product specification ID 123456.
SAP Business Bydesign All versions
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Product and Service Portfolio woc.
- Go to Product Specification view.
- Create a new produce specification, enter numeric ID 123456 in the Product Specification ID field.
- System shows error: Cannot manually set product specification ID 123456.
The SAP Default number range for Product Specification is
Internal Range: from 1 to 999999999999999999
External Range: from 1000000000000000000 to 99999999999999999999
The Interal Range is used when you leave the Product Specification blank, then System will automatically assign an ID within the Internal Range
The external Range is used when you want to manually maintain the product specification.
That is why when you try to enter any number which falls in internal number range, it shows error message that you cannot manually enter it.
Please note that you can manually enter any alphanumeric values like 'PRS_XYZ'. If you like to manually enter product specification ID as numbers, then you can change the above mentioned number range.
For the internal number range, you can change the 'End Number' to current status of the number range and then start the 'External Number Range' anything greater than 'End Number' of 'Internal Number Range'.
To do so, kindly follow the below mentioned steps:
- Go to the 'Business Configuration' work center。
- Select the 'Implementation Project' view.
- For the 'First Implementation Project, click on 'Open Activity' list.
- In the new screen, select 'Fine-Tune' tab.
- Since this is an optional activity, click on 'Add Optional Activity'.
- Search for activity 'Number Range for Product Definition' and add it to current scope.
- Open this activity, here you will be able to see the default number range. Please make the changes as mentioned above.
Product Specification , KBA , AP-RSM-PRS , Product Requirement Specification , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , How To