Not able to edit information the CA_WTPA_SalaryAndCompensations Panel
SAP Successfactors Onboarding - 1.0
Reproducing the Issue
While completing the PHV step for a candidate, hiring manager is not able to edit the Over Time Pay Rate Section in CA_WTPA_SalaryAndCompensations Panel or hiring manager is not able to proceed further.
- All the details in CA_WTPA_SalaryAndCompensations are auto calculated based in the Employee's rate of Pay field (JobPayRate key), in the SAP Standard settings, this key is collected in the panel SAP_JobDetail;
- So in the panel CA_WTPA_SalaryAndCompensations is expected that the Hiring Manager is unable to edit these fields;
- Employee's Rate of Pay should only have value like 18, it should not contain any currency symbol like $18 as shown in the below screen shot. If it has currency symbol then the other values will not be populated and will not be able to complete the PHV step.
- If you notice any currency symbol other than the value, click in the back button until you got the panel where the JobPayRate field is collected and remove this extra symbol;
- If that is not possible, please create Support ticket and support team will be able to delete the currency symbol from the backend.
CA_WTPA_SalaryAndCompensations; Not able to edit the Panel; JobPayRate , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-PAN , Panels, Panel Designer , Problem
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding